Cloud Computing and Virtualization


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Assignment Questions 

Assignment – BCA-305 Cloud Computing –BCA-5


Q1. What is cloud computing explain with a suitable example?

Q2. Explain different cloud computing modals.

Q3. Describe cloud architecture.

Q4. Write brief note on:-

1. Virtualization

2. Paas

3. Elasticity

4. Scalability

5. Deployment

Q5. Explain different deployment modals.


Cloud Computing training is specially designed for Under-Graduates (UG), Graduates, working professionals, and also for Freelancers. We provide end to end learning on Cloud Domain with deeper dives for creating a winning career for every profile.

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What Is Cloud Computing ?

Cloud computing is adopted by every company, whether it is an MNC or a startup many are still migrating towards it because of the cost-cutting, lesser maintenance, and the increased capacity of the data with the help of servers maintained by the cloud providers.

One more reason for this drastic change from the On-premises servers of the companies to the Cloud providers is the ‘Pay as you go’ principle-based services provided by them i.e., you only have to pay for the service which you are using. The disadvantage On-premises server holds is that if the server is not in use the company still has to pay for it.

What Is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing means storing and accessing the data and programs on remote servers that are hosted on the internet instead of the computer’s hard drive or local server. Cloud computing is also referred to as Internet-based computing, it is a technology where the resource is provided as a service through the Internet to the user. The data that is stored can be files, images, documents, or any other storable document.

The following are some of the Operations that can be performed with Cloud Computing

  • Storage, backup, and recovery of data
  • Delivery of software on demand
  • Development of new applications and services
  • Streaming videos and audio

Benefits Of Cloud Computing

Cost: It is a platform which easily eliminates the capital expense which is buying hardware and software that you can easily set up and run according to data centers where you rack the servers around the clock with electricity power and cooling for managing the infrastructure which adds with fast speed.

Speed: Cloud computing services are provided self-service on demand where they have vast amounts of computing resources which can be provisioned in minutes, which is typically away just a few mouse clicks, which gives business flexibility and takes pressure on capacity planning.

Reliability: It makes data backups, disaster recovery and business continuity easier and it is less expensive because data can be mirrored at multiple redundant sites on different network providers.

Security: Many cloud providers offer a broad set of policies, and technologies and easily control and strengthen the security with proper posture overall, which helps to protect your data, apps, and infrastructure from potential threats.

Global Scale: It offers a global scale service which has the ability to be elastically used all over. Where cloud speaks of the delivering means which has the proper amount of IT resources which has more or less computing power, storage, and bandwidth which offer the right geographical location.

Fast Facts:

Nearly one-half of US Government agencies use the cloud.

Banking produces the most activity within the cloud.

The cloud computing market is projected to reach $106 billion by 2016.

60% of U.S. IT decision-makers trust the security of the cloud.

Understanding How Cloud Computing Works?

Cloud computing helps users in easily accessing computing resources like storage, and processing over internet rather than local hardwares. Here we discussing how it works in nutshell:

  • Infrastructure: Cloud computing depends on remote network servers hosted on internet for store, manage, and process the data.
  • On-Demand Acess: Users can access cloud services and resources based on-demand they can scale up or down the without having to invest for physical hardware.
  • Types of Services: Cloud computing offers various benefits such as cost saving, scalability, reliability and acessibility it reduces capital expenditures, improves efficiency.

Origins Of Cloud Computing

Mainframe computing in the 1950s and the internet explosion in the 1990s came together to give rise to cloud computing. Since businesses like Amazon, Google, and Salesforce started providing web-based services in the early 2000s. The term “cloud computing” has gained popularity. Scalability, adaptability, and cost-effectiveness are to be facilitated by the concept’s on-demand internet-based access to computational resources.

These days, cloud computing is pervasive, driving a wide range of services across markets and transforming the processing, storage, and retrieval of data

What is Virtualization In Cloud Computing?

Virtualization is the software technology that helps in providing the logical isolation of physical resources. Creating logical isolation of physical resources such as RAM, CPU, and Storage.. over the cloud is known as Virtualization in Cloud Computing. In simple we can say creating types of Virtual Instances of computing resources over the cloud. It provides better management and utilization of hardware resources with logical isolation making the applications independent of others. It facilitates streamlining the resource allocation and enhancing scalability for multiple virtual computers within a single physical source offering cost-effectiveness and better optimization of resources.

To know about this refer this Article – Virtualization in Cloud Computing and Types

Architecture Of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing architecture refers to the components and sub-components required for cloud computing. These components typically refer to:

  1. Front end ( Fat client, Thin client)
  2. Back-end platforms ( Servers, Storage )
  3. Cloud-based delivery and a network ( Internet, Intranet, Intercloud )


1. Front End ( User Interaction Enhancement )

The User Interface of Cloud Computing consists of 2 sections of clients. The Thin clients are the ones that use web browsers facilitating portable and lightweight accessibilities and others are known as Fat Clients that use many functionalities for offering a strong user experience.

2. Back-end Platforms ( Cloud Computing Engine )

The core of cloud computing is made at back-end platforms with several servers for storage and processing computing. Management of Applications logic is managed through servers and effective data handling is provided by storage. The combination of these platforms at the backend offers the processing power, and capacity to manage and store data behind the cloud.

3. Cloud-Based Delivery and Network

On-demand access to the computer and resources is provided over the Internet, Intranet, and Intercloud. The Internet comes with global accessibility, the Intranet helps in internal communications of the services within the organization and the Intercloud enables interoperability across various cloud services. This dynamic network connectivity ensures an essential component of cloud computing architecture on guaranteeing easy access and data transfer.

What Are The Types of Cloud Computing Services?

The following are the types of Cloud Computing:

  1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  3. Software as a Service (SaaS)
  4. Function as as Service (FaaS)


1. Infrastructure as a Service ( IaaS )

  • Flexibility and Control: IaaS comes up with providing virtualized computing resources such as VMs, Storage, and networks facilitating users with control over the Operating system and applications.
  • Reducing Expenses of Hardware: IaaS provides business cost savings with the elimination of physical infrastructure investments making it cost-effective.
  • Scalability of Resources: The cloud provides in scaling of hardware resources up or down as per demand facilitating optimal performance with cost efficiency.

2. Platform as a Service ( PaaS )

  • Simplifying the Development: Platform as a Service offers application development by keeping the underlying Infrastructure as an Abstraction. It helps the developers to completely focus on application logic ( Code ) and background operations are completely managed by the AWS platform.
  • Enhancing Efficiency and Productivity: PaaS lowers the Management of Infrastructure complexity, speeding up the Execution time and bringing the updates quickly to market by streamlining the development process.
  • Automation of Scaling: Management of resource scaling, guaranteeing the program’s workload efficiency is ensured by PaaS.

3. SaaS (software as a service)

  • Collaboration And Accessibility: Software as a Service (SaaS) helps users to easily access applications without having the requirement of local installations. It is fully managed by the AWS Software working as a service over the internet encouraging effortless cooperation and ease of access.
  • Automation of Updates: SaaS providers manage the handling of software maintenance with automatic latest updates ensuring users gain experience with the latest features and security patches.
  • Cost Efficiency: SaaS acts as a cost-effective solution by reducing the overhead of IT support by eliminating the need for individual software licenses.

4. Function as a Service (FaaS)

  • Event-Driven Execution: FaaS helps in the maintenance of servers and infrastructure making users worry about it. FaaS facilitates the developers to run code as a response to the events.
  • Cost Efficiency: FaaS facilitates cost efficiency by coming up with the principle “Pay as per you Run” for the computing resources used.
  • Scalability and Agility: Serverless Architectures scale effortlessly in handing the workloads promoting agility in development and deployment.

To know more about the Types of Cloud Computing Difference please read this article – IaaS vs PaaS vs SaaS

What Are Cloud Deployment Models?

The following are the Cloud Deployment Models:

1. Private Deployment Model

  • It provides an enhancement in protection and customization by cloud resource utilization as per particular specified requirements. It is perfect for companies which looking for security and compliance needs.

2. Public Deployment Model

  • It comes with offering a pay-as-you-go principle for scalability and accessibility of cloud resources for numerous users. it ensures cost-effectiveness by providing enterprise-needed services.

3. Hybrid Deployment Model

It comes up with a combination of elements of both private and public clouds providing seamless data and application processing in between environments. It offers flexibility in optimizing resources such as sensitive data in private clouds and important scalable applications in the public cloud.

To know more about the Cloud Deployment Models, read this Articles

What Is Cloud Hosting?

The Infrastructure is where the people start and begin to build from the scratch. This is the layer where the cloud hosting lives. Let’s say you have a company and a website and the website has a lot of communications that are exchanged between members. You start with a few members talking with each other and then gradually the number of members increases. As time passes, as the number of members increases, there would be more traffic on the network and your server will get slow down. This would cause a problem.

A few years ago, the websites are put on the server somewhere, in this way you have to run around or buy and set the number of servers. It costs a lot of money and takes a lot of time. You pay for these servers when you are using them and as well as when you are not using them. This is called hosting. This problem is overcome by cloud hosting. With Cloud Computing, you have access to computing power when you needed. Now, your website is put in the cloud server as you put it on a dedicated server. People start visiting your website and if you suddenly need more computing power, you would scale up according to the need. 

Characteristics Of Cloud Computing

The following are the characterisitics of Cloud Computing:

  1. Scalability: With Cloud hosting, it is easy to grow and shrink the number and size of servers based on the need. This is done by either increasing or decreasing the resources in the cloud. This ability to alter plans due to fluctuations in business size and needs is a superb benefit of cloud computing, especially when experiencing a sudden growth in demand.
  2. Save Money: An advantage of cloud computing is the reduction in hardware costs. Instead of purchasing in-house equipment, hardware needs are left to the vendor. For companies that are growing rapidly, new hardware can be large, expensive, and inconvenient. Cloud computing alleviates these issues because resources can be acquired quickly and easily. Even better, the cost of repairing or replacing equipment is passed to the vendors. Along with purchase costs, off-site hardware cuts internal power costs and saves space. Large data centers can take up precious office space and produce a large amount of heat. Moving to cloud applications or storage can help maximize space and significantly cut energy expenditures.
  3. Reliability: Rather than being hosted on one single instance of a physical server, hosting is delivered on a virtual partition that draws its resource, such as disk space, from an extensive network of underlying physical servers. If one server goes offline it will have no effect on availability, as the virtual servers will continue to pull resources from the remaining network of servers.
  4. Physical Security: The underlying physical servers are still housed within data centers and so benefit from the security measures that those facilities implement to prevent people from accessing or disrupting them on-site.
  5. Outsource Management: When you are managing the business, Someone else manages your computing infrastructure. You do not need to worry about management as well as degradation.

Top Reasons to Switch from On-premise to Cloud Computing

The following are the Top reasons to switch from on-premise to cloud computing:

  1. Reduces cost: The cost-cutting ability of businesses that utilize cloud computing over time is one of the main advantages of this technology. On average 15% of the total cost can be saved by companies if they migrate to the cloud. By the use of cloud servers businesses will save and reduce costs with no need to employ a staff of technical support personnel to address server issues. There are many great business modules regarding the cost-cutting benefits of cloud servers such as the Coca-Cola and Pinterest case studies.
  2. More storage: For software and applications to execute as quickly and efficiently as possible, it provides more servers, storage space, and computing power. Many tools are available for cloud storage such as Dropbox, Onedrive, Google Drive, iCloud Drive, etc.
  3. Employees Better Work Life Balance: Direct connections between cloud computing benefits, and the work and personal lives of an enterprise’s workers can both improve because of cloud computing. Even on holidays, the employees have to work with the server for its security, maintenance, and proper functionality. But with cloud storage the thing is not the same, employees get ample of time for their personal life and the workload is even less comparatively.

Top leading Cloud Computing companies

1. Amazon Web Services(AWS)

 One of the most successful cloud-based businesses is Amazon Web Services(AWS), which is an Infrastructure as a Service(Iaas) offering that pays rent for virtual computers on Amazon’s infrastructure.

2. Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform

Microsoft is creating the Azure platform which enables the .NET Framework Application to run over the internet as an alternative platform for Microsoft developers. This is the classic Platform as a Service(PaaS).

3. Google Cloud Platform ( GCP )

  •  Google has built a worldwide network of data centers to service its search engine. From this service, Google has captured the world’s advertising revenue. By using that revenue, Google offers free software to users based on infrastructure. This is called Software as a Service(SaaS).

Advantages of Cloud Computing

The following are main advantages of Cloud Computing:

  1. Cost Efficiency: Cloud Computing provides flexible pricing to the users with the principal pay-as-you-go model. It helps in lessening capital expenditures of Infrastructure, particularly for small and medium-sized businesses companies.
  2. Flexibility and Scalability: Cloud services facilitate the scaling of resources based on demand. It ensures the efficiency of businesses in handling various workloads without the need for large amounts of investments in hardware during the periods of low demand.
  3. Collaboration and Accessibility: Cloud computing provides easy access to data and applications from anywhere over the internet. This encourages collaborative team participation from different locations through shared documents and projects in real-time resulting in quality and productive outputs.
  4. Automatic Maintenance and Updates: AWS Cloud takes care of the infrastructure management and keeping with the latest software automatically making updates they is new versions. Through this, AWS guarantee the companies always having access to the newest technologies to focus completely on business operations and innvoations.

Disadvantages Of Cloud Computing

The following are the main disadvantages of Cloud Computing:

  1. Security Concerns: Storing of sensitive data on external servers raised more security concerns which is one of the main drawbacks of cloud computing.
  2. Downtime and Reliability: Even though cloud services are usually dependable, they may also have unexpected interruptions and downtimes. These might be raised because of server problems, Network issues or maintenance disruptions in Cloud providers which negative effect on business operations, creating issues for users accessing their apps.
  3. Dependency on Internet Connectivity: Cloud computing services heavily rely on Internet connectivity. For accessing the cloud resources the users should have a stable and high-speed internet connection for accessing and using cloud resources. In regions with limited internet connectivity, users may face challenges in accessing their data and applications.
  4. Cost Management Complexity: The main benefit of cloud services is their pricing model that coming with Pay as you go but it also leads to cost management complexities. On without proper careful monitoring and utilization of resources optimization, Organizations may end up with unexpected costs as per their use scale. Understanding and Controlled usage of cloud services requires ongoing attention.

Cloud Sustainability

The following are the some of the key points of Cloud sustainability:

  • Enery Efficiency: Cloud Providers supports the optimization of data center operations for minimizing energy consumption and improve efficiency.
  • Renewable Energy: On increasing the adoption of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power to data centers and reduce carbon emissions.
  • Virtualization: Server virtualization facilitates better utilization of hardware resources, reducing the need for physical servers and lowering the energy consumptions.

Cloud Security

Cloud security recommended to measures and practices designed to protect data, applications, and infrastructure in cloud computing environments. The following are some of the best practices of cloud security:

  • Data Encryption: Encryption is essential for securing data stored in the cloud. It ensures that data remains unreadable to unauthorized users even if it is intercepted.
  • Access Control: Implementing strict access controls and authentication mechanisms helps ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive data and resources in the cloud.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide multiple forms of verification, such as passwords, biometrics, or security tokens, before gaining access to cloud services.

Use Cases Of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing provides many use cases across industries and various applications:

  1. Scalable Infrastructure: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) enables organizations to scale computing resources based on demand without investing in physical hardware.
  2. Efficient Application Development: Platform as a Service (PaaS) simplifies application development, offering tools and environments for building, deploying, and managing applications.
  3. Streamlined Software Access: Software as a Service (SaaS) provides subscription-based access to software applications over the internet, reducing the need for local installation and maintenance.
  4. Data Analytics: Cloud-based platforms facilitate big data analytics, allowing organizations to process and derive insights from large datasets efficiently.
  5. Disaster Recovery: Cloud-based disaster recovery solutions offer cost-effective data replication and backup, ensuring quick recovery in case of system failures or disasters.

Cloud Computing – FAQs

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing is a technology that facilitates the users in accessing and utilizing the computing resources over the internet offering scalability and flexibility.

How does Cloud Security work?

It involves encryption, maintenance of data confidentiality guarding from unauthorized, unwanted access with features Authentication and authorization.

What are the benefits of Cloud Deployment?

Cloud Deployment offers accessibility, scalability, and cost savings features facilitating the organizations to focus on Innovation rather than managing the physical infrastructure.

What is the difference between IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS?

IaaS provides virtualized resources, PaaS comes up with features for the deployment of applications, and finally, SaaS facilitates fully managed functional software as a service over the Internet.

How can organizations ensure data compliance in the cloud?

Organizations choose cloud providers with strong security features and measures for ensuring data compliance. Organizations use cloud providers for implementing encryption, maintaining security measures, and supporting industry-specific regulations.

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Public Cloud vs Private Cloud vs Hybrid Cloud

Pre-requisite: Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a type of remote computer network hosting, where massively distributed computers are connected to the Internet and made available through Internet Protocol networks such as the Internet. Cloud computing involves providing a service over the Internet, on-demand and utility computing, distributed systems, and data processing for resource pooling, scalability, rapid elasticity, and rapid recovery from failure.

Public Cloud

A Public Cloud is Cloud Computing in which the infrastructure and services are owned and operated by a third-party provider and made available to the public over the internet. The public can access and use shared resources, such as servers, storage, and applications and the main thing is you pay for what you used. . Examples of public cloud providers – are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP)


Cost Efficient: In the public cloud, we have to pay for what we used. So it is more cost-efficient than maintaining the physical servers or their own infrastructure.

Automatic Software Updates: In the public cloud, there are automatic software updates. we don’t have to update the software manually.

Accessibility: Public clouds allow users to access their resources and applications from anywhere in the world. We just need an internet connection to access it.


Security and Privacy Concerns: Public clouds can be vulnerable to data breaches, cyber attacks, and other security risks. Since data is stored on servers owned by a third-party provider, there is always a risk that confidential or sensitive data may be exposed or compromised.

Limited Control: With public cloud services, users have limited control over the infrastructure and resources used to run their applications. This can make it difficult to customize the environment to meet specific requirements.

Reliance on Internet Connectivity: Public cloud services require a reliable and stable internet connection to access the resources and applications hosted in the cloud. If the internet connection is slow or unstable, it can affect the performance and availability of the services.

Service Downtime: Public cloud providers may experience service downtime due to hardware failures, software issues, or maintenance activities. This can result in temporary loss of access to applications and data.

Compliance and Regulatory Issues: Public cloud services may not meet certain compliance or regulatory requirements, such as those related to data privacy or security. This can create legal or contractual issues for businesses that are subject to these requirements.

Cost Overruns: Public cloud services are typically billed on a pay-per-use basis, which can result in unexpected cost overruns if usage exceeds anticipated levels. Additionally, the cost of using public cloud services may increase over time, as providers adjust their pricing models or add new features and services.

Private Cloud

A Private Cloud is a cloud computing environment in which the infrastructure and services are owned and operated by a single organization, for example, a company or government, and it is accessed by only authorized users within that organization. Private Cloud organizations have their own data center. private cloud provides a higher level of security. Examples – HPE, Dell, VMware, etc.


Security Status: Private clouds provide a higher level of security. as the organization has full control over the cloud service. They can customize the servers to manage their security.
Customization of Service:  Private clouds allow organizations to customize the infrastructure and services to meet their specific requirements. and also can customize the security.

Privacy: Private clouds provide increased privacy as the organization(company or government ) has more control over who has access to their data and resources.


Higher Cost: Private clouds require dedicated hardware, software, and networking infrastructure, which can be expensive to acquire and maintain. This can make it challenging for smaller businesses or organizations with limited budgets to implement a private cloud.

Limited Scalability: Private clouds are designed to serve a specific organization, which means that they may not be as scalable as public cloud services. This can make it difficult to quickly add or remove resources in response to changes in demand.

Technical Complexity: Setting up and managing a private cloud infrastructure requires technical expertise and specialized skills. This can be a challenge for organizations that lack in-house IT resources or expertise.

Security Risks: Private clouds are typically considered more secure than public clouds since they are operated within an organization’s own infrastructure. However, they can still be vulnerable to security risks such as data breaches or cyber attacks.

Lack of Standardization: Private clouds are often built using proprietary hardware and software, which can make it challenging to integrate with other cloud services or migrate to a different cloud provider in the future.

Maintenance and Upgrades: Maintaining and upgrading a private cloud infrastructure can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. This can be a challenge for organizations that need to focus on other core business activities.

Hybrid Cloud

A hybrid cloud is a combination of both public and private cloud environments that allows organizations to take advantage of the benefits of both types of clouds. It manages traffic levels during peak usage periods  It can provide greater flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness than using a single cloud environment. Examples – IBM, DataCore Software, Rackspace, Threat Stack, Infinidat, etc.


Flexibility: Hybrid cloud stores its data (also sensitive) in a private cloud server. While public server provides Flexibility and Scalability.
Scalability: Hybrid cloud Enables organizations to move workloads back and forth between their private and public clouds depending on their needs.
Security: Hybrid cloud controls over highly sensitive data. and it provides high-level security. Also, it takes advantage of the public cloud’s cost savings.


Complexity: Hybrid clouds are complex to set up and manage since they require integration between different cloud environments. This can require specialized technical expertise and resources.

Cost: Hybrid clouds can be more expensive to implement and manage than either public or private clouds alone, due to the need for additional hardware, software, and networking infrastructure.

Security Risks: Hybrid clouds are vulnerable to security risks such as data breaches or cyber attacks, particularly when there is a lack of standardization and consistency between the different cloud environments.

Data Governance: Managing data across different cloud environments can be challenging, particularly when it comes to ensuring compliance with regulations such as GDPR or HIPAA.

Network Latency: Hybrid clouds rely on communication between different cloud environments, which can result in network latency and performance issues.

Integration Challenges: Integrating different cloud environments can be challenging, particularly when it comes to ensuring compatibility between different applications and services.

Vendor Lock-In: Hybrid clouds may require organizations to work with multiple cloud providers, which can result in vendor lock-in and limit the ability to switch providers in the future.


 UNIT I: Cloud Computing Overview

No. of Hours: 11 

Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapters - 1, 10], TB2 [Chapters - 1, 2]


# 1. Introduction to Cloud Computing

- Definition and Evolution:

  - Cloud Computing is a paradigm shift in IT where computing resources and services are delivered over the internet. The concept has its roots in the 1960s with time-sharing systems, which evolved into distributed computing, grid computing, and finally into modern cloud computing with the advent of virtualization and large-scale data centers.


- Key Milestones in Cloud Computing Evolution:

  - 1960s: Concept of time-sharing.

  - 1999: Salesforce launches as a SaaS platform.

  - 2006: Amazon introduces AWS.

  - 2010: Microsoft launches Azure.


- Services of the Internet:

  - SaaS (Software as a Service): Software applications hosted by a service provider and made available to customers over the internet (e.g., Gmail, Salesforce).

  - PaaS (Platform as a Service): Provides a platform allowing customers to develop, run, and manage applications (e.g., Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure).

  - IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service): Provides virtualized computing resources over the internet (e.g., AWS EC2, Google Compute Engine).


# 2. Cloud Components

- Client: End-user devices such as desktops, laptops, mobile devices.

- Application: Software that is run in the cloud (e.g., Google Docs, Dropbox).

- Platform: The environment where the application runs (e.g., Windows Azure, Google App Engine).

- Storage: Where data is stored in the cloud (e.g., Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage).

- Infrastructure: The physical data centers and hardware (e.g., servers, storage devices).


# 3. Essential Characteristics of Cloud Computing

- On-demand self-service: Users can unilaterally provision computing capabilities without requiring human interaction with service providers.

  - Example: A user can spin up a virtual machine in AWS within minutes.

- Broad network access: Capabilities are available over the network and accessed through standard mechanisms.

  - Example: Accessing cloud services via any internet-connected device.

- Resource pooling: The provider’s computing resources are pooled to serve multiple consumers, with different physical and virtual resources dynamically assigned.

  - Example: Multi-tenancy in cloud environments like AWS and Azure.

- Rapid elasticity: Capabilities can be elastically provisioned and released to scale rapidly outward and inward commensurate with demand.

  - Example: Auto-scaling groups in AWS.

- Measured service: Cloud systems automatically control and optimize resource use by leveraging a metering capability.

  - Example: Pay-as-you-go pricing model in cloud services.


# 4. The Vision of Cloud Computing

- Scalability: Ability to scale resources up or down based on demand.

- Flexibility: Access to a wide range of services and tools.

- Cost-effectiveness: Reduced capital expenditure (CapEx) due to a shift to operational expenditure (OpEx).

- Agility: Faster deployment of applications and services.

- Security: Enhanced security features provided by cloud service providers.



- Security: Concerns over data privacy and control.

- Compliance: Ensuring adherence to regulations and standards.

- Vendor lock-in: Dependency on a single cloud provider's infrastructure and services.



- Netflix: Uses AWS to deliver streaming content globally. Netflix leverages AWS’s global infrastructure for scalability and high availability.



![Cloud Computing Characteristics](


 UNIT II: Cloud Computing Architecture

No. of Hours: 11 

Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter - 4], TB2 [Chapters - 5, 6, 17, 18]


# 1. Introduction to Cloud Architecture

- Internet as a Platform:

  - The internet acts as the backbone of cloud computing, providing a global network that connects users to cloud services.

  - Example: Google’s global fiber-optic network supports its cloud services, ensuring low-latency access worldwide.


- Cloud Reference Model:

  - Service Models:

    - IaaS: Provides virtualized computing resources over the internet (e.g., AWS EC2).

    - PaaS: Provides a platform allowing customers to develop, run, and manage applications (e.g., Google App Engine).

    - SaaS: Software applications provided over the internet (e.g., Microsoft 365).


- Deployment Models:

  - Public Cloud: Services offered over the public internet, available to anyone (e.g., AWS, Azure).

  - Private Cloud: Dedicated cloud environment operated for a single organization.

  - Hybrid Cloud: A combination of public and private clouds, allowing data and applications to be shared between them.

  - Community Cloud: Shared infrastructure for a specific community with common concerns.


# 2. Economics of the Cloud

- Cost Efficiency:

  - Pay-per-use: Customers pay only for what they use, avoiding upfront costs.

  - Economies of Scale: Cloud providers operate large-scale data centers, reducing costs per unit of service.


- Public vs. Private Clouds:

  - Public Cloud: Lower cost due to shared resources, but less control.

  - Private Cloud: Higher control and security, but at a higher cost.



- Spotify: Uses Google Cloud Platform for scalable storage and analytics.



![Cloud Reference Model](


 UNIT III: Principles of Parallel and Distributed Computing

No. of Hours: 11 

Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter - 2], TB2 [Chapter - 11]


# 1. Parallel vs. Distributed Computing

- Parallel Computing: Involves simultaneous data processing using multiple processors.

  - Example: Matrix multiplication where multiple elements are processed concurrently.

- Distributed Computing: Involves multiple interconnected computers working together to achieve a common goal.

  - Example: Google’s MapReduce framework for processing large data sets.


# 2. Elements of Parallel Computing

- Task Decomposition: Dividing a large task into smaller subtasks.

- Concurrency: Multiple tasks executing at the same time.


# 3. Hardware Architectures for Parallel Processing

- Shared Memory: Multiple processors access the same memory.

  - Example: Multi-core processors.

- Distributed Memory: Each processor has its own private memory.

  - Example: Cluster computing.


# 4. Approaches to Parallel Programming

- Multithreading: A single program is split into multiple threads that run concurrently.

  - Example: Java's `Thread` class for creating multithreaded applications.

- MPI (Message Passing Interface): Standard for parallel programming in a distributed environment.

  - Example: MPI in high-performance computing applications.



![Parallel vs. Distributed Computing](


 UNIT IV: Virtualization

No. of Hours: 11 

Chapter/Book Reference: TB1 [Chapter - 3], TB2 [Chapter - 8]


# 1. Introduction to Virtualization

- Definition: Virtualization is the creation of a virtual version of something, such as hardware platforms, storage devices, or network resources.

- Importance in Cloud Computing:

  - Enables resource pooling, flexibility, and efficient utilization of physical resources.


# 2. Characteristics of Virtualized Environments

- Isolation: Virtual machines (VMs) run in isolation from each other, providing security and stability.

- Encapsulation: VMs encapsulate the entire operating environment, including the OS and applications.


# 3. Taxonomy of Virtualization Techniques

- Full Virtualization: Complete simulation of underlying hardware to run unmodified OS.

  - Example: VMware ESXi, where the guest OS does not know it's running in a virtualized environment.

- Partial Virtualization: Only part of the hardware environment is simulated.

  - Example: Early versions of VMware Workstation.

- Para Virtualization: The guest OS is aware of the virtualization environment and interacts directly with the hypervisor.

  - Example: Xen, where the guest OS must be modified.


# 4. Virtualization and Cloud Computing

- Integration: Virtualization is a core technology for cloud computing, enabling the dynamic allocation of resources.

- Pros and Cons:

  - Pros: Improved resource utilization, scalability, and flexibility.

  - Cons: Complexity in management and potential performance overhead.


Example: VMware:

- VMware ESXi: A hypervisor used to create and manage VMs in a private cloud environment.

  - Diagram: VMware ESXi architecture showing hypervisor, VMs, and hardware layers.



![Types of Virtualization](



1. TB1: Rajkumar Buyya, Christian Vecchiola, and S. Thamarai Selvi, "Mastering Cloud Computing - Foundations and Applications Programming," Elsevier, 2013.

2. TB2: Kai Hwang, Geoffrey


1. TB1: Rajkumar Buyya, Christian Vecchiola, and S. Thamarai Selvi, "Mastering Cloud Computing - Foundations and Applications Programming," Elsevier, 2013.

2. TB2: Kai Hwang, Geoffrey C. Fox, Jack J. Dongarra, "Distributed and Cloud Computing: From Parallel Processing to the Internet of Things," Morgan Kaufmann, 2012.


External Links:

- [AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials](

- [Microsoft Learn: Azure Fundamentals](

- [Google Cloud Training](


Infographics & Diagrams:

- Cloud Computing Overview: [Link to Infographic](

- Virtualization Techniques: [Link to Diagram](

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Which institute is best for the cloud computing course?


2: Is cloud computing a good career?

Ans: Yes, cloud computing is one of the best career choices and you get many career opportunities with a good salary.

3: How is Ducat Helpful?

A: It is the best institute in NCR where they offer various courses from more than 20+ years and give quality education to the students and help them to shape their future in their chosen field. It assures the students to make their dream come true of getting a good job in top company.

4: What is the average salary for cloud computing in India?

Ans: The average salary of cloud computing is 4-5 LPA.

5:Is there any job guarantee after completion of the cloud computing course?

A: Yes, Ducat offers a job guarantee after completion of the cloud computing course.

6: Is the cloud safe for personal information?

Ans: With numerous high-profile hacks of personal information in recent years cloud providers have worked to step up the security game for personal information.

7: What do I need to do to prepare for the cloud?

Ans: Many companies do not take the time to consider what they may need to put into place prior to shifting to the cloud. For the most part, preparing to shift to the cloud is simple and just requires you to have a Cloud Service Provider handle the transition. However, one of the biggest things to consider is your network bandwidth. With the strain put on local internet connections from cloud computing, you may consider upgrading your bandwidth or investing in SD-WAN technology to increase connectivity.

8: Do I get a certificate at the end of the cloud computing course?

A: Yes, we offer a certificate after completion of the cloud computing course.

9:What are the Benefits of Cloud Computing?

Ans: No need to procure and maintain on-premise data centers Cloud services are compatible with multiple devices and operating systems You can enjoy instant scalability, thus improving organizational agility Cloud environments are generally more secure as compared to on-premise ones Enterprise data is centralized, making it easy to secure it and maintain backups Accelerate the on-boarding time of employees, especially remote workers.

10: I Have More Queries.

A: In case you have any other queries contact us and our experts will get in touch with you in a short period.

Frequently Asked Interview Questions

1: What is the difference between cloud computing and computing for mobiles?

Ans: Mobile computing uses the same concept as cloud computing. Cloud computing becomes active with the data with the help of the internet rather than the individual device. It provides users with the data which they have to retrieve on demand. In mobile, the applications run on the remote server and give the user access to storage and management.

2: What are the security aspects provided by the cloud?

Ans: Identity management: It authorizes the application services Access control: permission has to be provided to the users so that they can control the access of another user who is entering into the cloud environment. Authentication and Authorization: Allows only the authorized and authenticated user only to access the data and applications.

3: What are system integrators in Cloud Computing?

Ans: In Cloud Computing, a systems integrator provides the strategy for the complicated process used to design a cloud platform. Integrator allows for the creation of more accurate hybrid and private cloud networks, as integrators have all the knowledge about data center creation.

4: What are some of the popularly used cloud computing services?

Ans: Cloud computing has come to be used widely across industries. Some of the top players, in this case, are Windows Azure, Amazon Web Services, and iCloud, which are exclusively for iOs users. These are the broadly used cloud platforms. However, there are emerging cloud services available in the market.

5: What are the cloud service models?

Ans: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Platform as a Service (PaaS) Software as a Service (SaaS)

6: Who are the Cloud service providers in a cloud ecosystem?

Ans: Cloud service providers are the companies that sell their cloud services to others. Sometimes these companies also provide cloud services internally to their partners, employees, etc.

7: Which are the layers of Cloud Computing?

Ans: The different layers used by cloud computing are as follows:

CLC or Cloud Controller


Cluster Controller

Storage Controller (SC)

Node Controller (NC)

8: Mention the names of some large cloud providers and databases.

Ans: Google Bigtable Amazon Simple Database Cloud-based SQL (Sequential Query Language)

9: Mention what is the difference between elasticity and scalability in cloud computing?

Ans: Scalability is a characteristic of cloud computing through which increasing workload can be handled by increasing in proportion the amount of resource capacity. Whereas, elasticity is one of the characteristics that highlights the concept of commissioning and decommissioning a large amount of resource capacity.

10: In the cloud what are the optimization strategies?

Ans: To overcome the maintenance cost and to optimise the resources, there is a concept of three data centers in the cloud which provides recovery and backup in case of disaster or system failure and keep all the data safe and intact.

Explore :


Table of Contents

  1. What Is Cloud Computing?
  2. What is AWS Cloud Computing Technology?
  3. Types Of Cloud Computing
  4. Benefits Of Cloud Computing
  5. Career Opportunities After Cloud Computing
  6. Why To Enroll In Online Cloud Computing Training Course 
  7. How we provides Best Placement Assistance?
  8. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
  9. Cloud Computing Interview Questions

We offers training according to industry standards that help attendees to secure placements in their dream jobs at MNCs. The institute offers education to undergraduates, graduates, post-graduation, working professionals, and freelancers. It is the 20+ years of experience in the market which give the best IT training to the students. It is a blend of academic learning and practical sessions to give optimum exposure and helps in transforming the future of the kids with successful career options.

What Is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is an abstraction of computing, storage, and network infrastructure which is assembled as a platform in which the application of the system is deployed quickly and easily scaled. Cloud computing is a platform which offers various services like storage, database, server, software, analytics, and many others and it also offers fast innovation with convenient resources. It is a tool which easily enables various computing resources and has proper storage and easy access. data. It is a software which has multiple users where they can easily access the data from any place. It is also referred to as technology which includes servers, infrastructure, and many other devices.

Important: Cloud computing is the delivery of computing resources, such as IT infrastructure or data centers over the internet. The importance of cloud computing can be found in using services like Google Drive and Apple iCloud. The use of these services allows documents, contacts, pictures, and a whole lot more online.

Cloud training is highly in demand and has become a new business model. It is a new way of using computers in various areas such as education, business, communication, the military, hospitals, and other places. It is a way of increasing profits and productivity and it helps in achieving the goal. It easily executes various business applications. It is impacting business, and career, and provides a worldwide opportunity for students. After cloud computing certification you will be able to store large data, manage, share and collaborate the data with high speed and accuracy.

In today's world, learning cloud computing courses is becoming popular while it has been used in numerous fields. Where they easily help to reach with a meteoric rise and opportunity to work with many top organizations and embrace the cloud technology where it has a variety of factors like productivity, infrastructure, cost, speed, performance, security, and others. It is an IT service that works with a directly paying pricing model through the internet with high demand. You can easily access IT assets such as software and apps, server, and database, through cloud technologies.

What is AWS Cloud Computing Technology?

Online Cloud Computing Training Course means storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet worldwide instead of your computer's drive. This is just a metaphor for the Internet.

Sign up in AWS - Amazon Web services 

It involves large no. of computers connected through real time communication network like the internet. CLOUD also involves resource sharing and how effectively these shared resources are used. Resources are shared by multiple users and also dynamically re-allocated.

Cloud Computing allows system accessibility from anywhere using a browser. The feature is to make it widely used nowadays.API or application programming interface in this software allows machines to interact with cloud software. It is suitable for disaster data recovery due to the use of many redundant sites that enhance reliability.

Moreover, its applications are easy to maintain. Another service provided by Cloud Computing is        on demand self service which allows users to configure and use cloud services by using catalogs. Thus infrastructure engineers design cloud computing templates which are according to consumer requirements.

Basic modules of cloud computing are easy to understand so anyone with basic computer and internet knowledge can learn. Approaching higher-level concepts of Cloud computing it is mandatory to have an understanding of programming in .net and J2EE.

You can enroll now for Cloud computing course and can kick start your journey with a certification 

Types Of Cloud Computing

Public Clouds: Public clouds are owned by a third party where they deliver their computing resources like servers and storage through the internet. For the public cloud, Azure is the best example. With all the public cloud all hardware, software, and other supporting infrastructure are owned and managed by cloud providers, it accesses their services and easily manages the account using a web browser.

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Private Cloud: A private cloud refers to cloud computing resources which are exclusively for a single business or organisation. A private cloud is physically located on the company site data center. It has companies where you can pay easily to third-party service providers to host the private cloud. A private cloud is one of the services and infrastructure maintained on a private network.

Hybrid Cloud: It is a cloud which is a combination of public and private clouds bound together by technology which allows data and applications and is shared between them. It allows data and applications to move between private and public clouds whereas a hybrid cloud gives businesses greater flexibility and fewer deployment options and helps to optimize the existing infrastructure, security, and compliance.


Here are examples of Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud deployments:

Public Cloud:

Amazon Web Services (AWS): AWS provides a broad range of services like computing power, storage, and databases, all accessible over the internet. It's used by companies like Netflix for scalable cloud solutions.

Microsoft Azure: Azure offers services such as virtual machines, AI tools, and databases that can be accessed by multiple users over the public internet. It's widely adopted by enterprises for various cloud solutions.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Google’s public cloud service provides computing, storage, and networking services. Companies like Spotify use GCP to manage and scale their applications.

Private Cloud:

OpenStack: Many organizations use OpenStack to build private cloud environments on their own hardware. For example, financial institutions often use OpenStack to maintain control over sensitive data.

VMware vSphere: VMware’s private cloud solutions allow organizations to run virtual machines on their own infrastructure, offering more control and security.

Dell EMC Cloud: A private cloud solution that enables organizations to maintain a cloud environment within their own data centers, offering control over hardware and software configurations.

Hybrid Cloud:

Microsoft Azure Stack: Azure Stack allows businesses to run Azure services in their own data centers while integrating with the broader Azure public cloud. It’s used by companies that need to keep certain data on-premises while using public cloud resources.

IBM Cloud: IBM provides hybrid cloud solutions that combine on-premises, private, and public cloud environments, allowing seamless data movement between them. It’s used by enterprises that need flexibility in cloud deployment.

Google Anthos: Google Anthos allows organizations to run applications across on-premises, Google Cloud, and even other public clouds like AWS or Azure. This flexibility is particularly useful for businesses with complex multi-cloud strategies.

These examples illustrate the range of options available for deploying cloud infrastructure based on specific needs for scalability, control, and security.

Career Opportunities After Cloud Computing

Choosing cloud computing training is the best option while it leads to your career success and offers the best opportunities after completion of the course. Cloud computing is a platform which is used in a business where many service providers and experts are offered with good salary packages. According to the study, it is seen that it has a steady demand for professional cloud computing experts who offer a better future prospective way and reach toward high. Where you will give the right path to your career. Cloud computing course is known to be the best choice for beginners which offers the best opportunity with career benefits. After completion of the course, you have an array of job options like java developers, dot net developer, data engineers, data scientists, software engineers, and others.

Key Takeaways: Cloud-based storage makes it possible to save files to a remote database and retrieve them on demand. Services can be both public and private—public services are provided online for a fee while private services are hosted on a network to specific clients.

Why To Enroll In Cloud Computing Training Course ?

This Cloud Computing Training Course will teach you the basics of the Cloud and will provide you with a solid foundation. Our Cloud Computing Certification Program provides comprehensive instruction and the tools to demonstrate proficiency in this popular language.

Students will build a live project showcasing their skills in development, Systems Development, Data analysis. Learn Cloud Computing and make your future brighter by learning it from Best Cloud Training Center in Noida. For better results, go for this Course which is a good start for beginners who want to step up in Programming.

After Cloud Computing Courses, you will get confidence and can work on your own projects. As most of the companies are offering jobs for those employees who have knowledge of the Cloud, there are a lot of job opportunities. Thus Cloud Courses will be very helpful for your growth in the industry. The only need for a student is to select the right course from the right place like Ducat the Best IT & Professional Training Institute in Delhi NCR.



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