IOT - Internet of Things


 Syllabus of Internet of Things and its Applications (M4-R5.1)

18.1 Introduction

The module is designed to equip the students to understand the basics of connected world that is Internet of Things (IoT) and its applications. IoT primarily refers to the connected and smarter world having physical and virtual objects with some unique identities. 


 IoT applications span across domains of industrial control, retail, energy, agriculture, etc. This module provides the theoretical and practical aspects of interfacing sensors and actuators, making informed world of Things speaking to each other. The different type of communication modes and models are discussed in detail. The in-depth knowledge of software and packages is provided to make applications in IoT paradigm. 


 After completing this module, the learner will be able to:

  Understand how connected devices work together to update other applications.

 Acquire knowledge to interface sensors and actuators with microcontroller based Arduino platform.

 Writing C programs in Arduino IDE.

 Understand the Communication between microcontroller and PC using serial communication.

 Build IoT based applications and understand how data flows between things.

 Understand how electronic devices control electrical appliances working at 220v AC.

 Understand security aspect of IoT devices.

 Enhance skill set towards better personality development.

Duration : 120 Hours - (Theory: 48hrs + Practical: 72 hrs)

Outline of Module

Module Unit Durtion(Theory) in Hours Duration(Practical)in Hours

Learning Objectives 

1. Introduction to IoT –Applications/Devices,Protocols and Communication Model

 After completion of this unit of module, Learner will be able to:

  Understand various IoT Applications, protocols, architecture, etc.

  Understand the characteristics of IoT devices.

  Know about Physical Design/Logical Design, Functional blocks of IoT and Communication Models.


2. Things and Connections

After completing this unit, Learner will be able to understand 

 Closed loop/ feedback loop system.

 The use of sensors, actuators and controllers in the IoT process flow.

 TCP/IP Versus OSI models.

 Wired and wireless connectivity.


3. Sensors, Actuators and Microcontrollers

 After completing this unit, Learner will be able to understand

 The role of Sensors, transducers in measuring physical quantities.

 Working and characteristics of actuators.

 Role and use of microcontroller in building various electronic devices.

4. Building IoT Applications


After completing this unit, Learner will be able to understand:

 Working of microcontroller and hardware prototyping Arduino platform.

 The role of ‘C’ language in building IoT applications.

 Built-in Data-type, operators-expressions

 Conditional statements and loops.

 Arrays, functions.

 Digital, analog pins of Arduino.

 Interfacing sensors, actuator.

 Using ArduBlock GUI tool.


5. Security and Future of IoT Ecosystem

After completing this unit, Learner will be able to understand

 Need of security in IoT.

 Various basic concept of security.

 Security levels.

 Need of powerful CPU for Future IoT eco system.


6. Soft skills-Personality Development


After completing this unit, Learner will be able to understand

 Role of positive personality and determinants of personality.

 Self-esteem.

 Communication and writing skills.

Marks Distribution

1. Introduction to IoT – Applications/Devices, Protocols and Communication Model(10 Marks)

2. Things and Connections (10 Marks)

3. Sensors, Actuators and Microcontrollers (15 Marks)

4. Building IoT Applications (40 Marks)

5. Security and Future of IoT Ecosystem (5 Marks)

6. Soft Skills-Personality Development (20 Marks)

                                                    Total 100 Marks


18.6 Detailed Syllabus

(i) Introduction to Internet of Things – Applications/Devices, Protocols And Communication Model

Introduction - Overview of Internet of Things(IoT), the characteristics of devices and applications in IoT ecosystem, building blocks of IoT, Various technologies making up IoT ecosystem, IoT levels, IoT design methodology, The Physical Design/Logical Design of IoT, Functional blocks of IoT and Communication Models, Development

Tools used in IoT.

 (ii) Things and Connections

Working of Controlled Systems, Real-time systems with feedback loop e.g. thermostat in refrigrator, AC, etc.Connectivity models – TCP/IP versus OSI model, different type of modes using wired and wireless methodology, The process flow of an IoT application.  

(iii)Sensors, Actuators and Microcontrollers

Sensor - Measuring physical quantities in digital world e.g. light sensor, moisture sensor, temperature sensor, etc.

Actuator – moving or controlling system e.g. DC motor, different type of actuators Controller – Role of microcontroller as gateway to interfacing sensors and actuators, microcontroller vs microprocessor, different type of microcontrollers in embedded ecosystem.


(iv)Building IoT applications Introduction to Arduino IDE – writing code in sketch, compiling-debugging, uploading the file to Arduino board, role of serial monitor.

Embedded ‘C’ Language basics - Variables and Identifiers, Built-in Data Types,

Arithmetic operators and Expressions, Constants and Literals, assignment.

Conditional Statements and Loops - Decision making using Relational Operators,

Logical Connectives - conditions, if-else statement, Loops: while loop, do while, for loop, Nested loops, Infinite loops, Switch statement. 

Arrays – Declaring and manipulating single dimension arrays

Functions - Standard Library of C functions in Arduino IDE, Prototype of a function:

Formal parameter list, Return Type, Function call.

Interfacing sensors – The working of digital versus analog pins in Arduino platform,

interfacing LED, Button, Sensors-DHT, LDR, MQ135, IR. Display the data on Liquid

Crystal Display(LCD), interfacing keypad

Serial communication – interfacing HC-05(Bluetooth module)

Control/handle 220V AC supply – interfacing relay module.


(v) Security and Future of IoT Ecosystem

Need of security in IoT - Why Security? Privacy for IoT enabled devices- IoT security for consumer devices- Security levels, protecting IoT devices 

Future IoT eco system - Need of power full core for building secure algorithms,

Examples for new trends - AI, ML penetration to IoT


(vi)Soft skills-Personality Development

Personality Development - Determinants of Personality- self-awareness, motivation, self-discipline, etc., building a positive personality, gestures. 

Self-esteem - self-efficacy, self-motivation, time management, stress management,

Etiquettes & manners.

Communication and writing skills- objective, attributes and categories of communication, Writing Skills – Resume, Letters, Report, Presentation, etc. Interview skills and body language.


18.7 Use-case for building IoT based Applications


A. Using Arduino and sensors/actuators


i. Interfacing Light Emitting Diode(LED)- Blinking LED:

This use case will be used for familiarizing the GPIO peripheral of atmega micro

controller. The LED will be used as a device and GPIO will work as output mode.


ii. Interfacing Button and LED – LED blinking/glow when button is pressed. This use case will help to understand the GPIO in two different modes, Input - Button and LED - output mode.


iii. Interfacing Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) and LED, displaying automatic night lamp

This use case will help to understand ADC peripheral and how to read analog data from sensors.


iv. Interfacing Temperature Sensor(LM35) and/or humidity sensor (e.g. DHT11)


This use case will help to connect traditional environmental monitoring sensors

(Temperature and humidity) to the Arduino development board. Also use the suitable

libraries for implementing these case studies.


v. Interfacing Liquid Crystal Display(LCD) – display data generated by sensor on LCD

This case study will demonstrate how to provide local display unit with Arduino micro

controller. Use suitable libraries for implementing these case studies.


vi. Interfacing Air Quality Sensor-pollution (e.g. MQ135) - display data on LCD, switch

on LED when data sensed is higher than specified value.

This use case will help to understand how to use traditional smart pollution

management sensors with Arduino platform for developing applications as a part of

smart city projects.


vii. Interfacing Bluetooth module (e.g. HC05)- receiving data from mobile phone on

Arduino and display on LCD

This use case will help to understand the connectivity solution to Arduino to a gadget

like mobile phone. Bluetooth is used as connectivity solution in this application.


viii. Interfacing Relay module to demonstrate Bluetooth based home automation

application. (using Bluetooth and relay).

This use case will enable the IoT node capability of Arduino development boards by

integrating actuator (relay connected to GPIO) to Arduino board and remote

connectivity (Using Bluetooth) using a mobile phone with the help of a readily

available Bluetooth serial application.


Reference Books/Study Material


1. Macro Schwartz, “Internet of Things with Arduino- Cookbook”, Packt 2016

2. Arshdeep Bajga and Vijay Madisetti, “Internet of Things- A Hands-on Approach”

Universities Press, 2014

3. Massimo Banzi, “Getting started with Arduino”, 2nd Edition, Oreilly, 2011


4. Macro Schwartz, “Internet of Things with Arduino”, Open Home Automation

5. Michael Margolis, “Arduino Cookbook”, Oreilly, 2011


Play this video first 

Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) – Set 1

IoT stands for Internet of Things
. It refers to the interconnectedness of physical devices, such as appliances and vehicles, that are embedded with software, sensors, and connectivity which enables these objects to connect and exchange data. This technology allows for the collection and sharing of data from a vast network of devices, creating opportunities for more efficient and automated systems.

Internet of Things (IoT) is the networking of physical objects that contain electronics embedded within their architecture in order to communicate and sense interactions amongst each other or with respect to the external environment. In the upcoming years, IoT-based technology will offer advanced levels of services and practically change the way people lead their daily lives. Advancements in medicine, power, gene therapies, agriculture, smart cities, and smart homes are just a few of the categorical examples where IoT is strongly established. 

IOT is a system of interrelated things, computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals, or people that are provided with unique identifiers. And the ability to transfer the data over a network requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.

History of IOT
1982- Vending machine
1999-IOT(Kevin Ashton)
2000-LG Smart Fridge
2004-Smart Watch
2007-Smart i phone
2009-Car Testing
2011-Smart TV
2013-Google Lens
2015-Tesla autopilot

Four Key Components of IOT

  • Device or sensor
  • Connectivity
  • Data processing
  • Interface
  • IoT is network of interconnected computing devices which are embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data.

Over 9 billion ‘Things’ (physical objects) are currently connected to the Internet, as of now. In the near future, this number is expected to rise to a whopping 20 billion. 

Main Components Used in IoT

Low-power embedded systems: Less battery consumption, high performance are the inverse factors that play a significant role during the design of electronic systems. 

Sensors: Sensors are the major part of any IoT application. It is a physical device that measures and detects certain physical quantities and converts it into signal which can be provided as an input to processing or control unit for analysis purpose.

Different types of Sensors
  • Temperature Sensors
  • Image Sensors
  • Gyro Sensors
  • Obstacle Sensors
  • RF Sensor
  • IR Sensor
  • MQ-02/05 Gas Sensor
  • LDR Sensor
  • Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

Control Units: It is a unit of small computer on a single integrated circuit containing microprocessor or processing core, memory and programmable input/output devices/peripherals. It is responsible for major processing work of IoT devices and all logical operations are carried out here.

Cloud computing: Data collected through IoT devices is massive, and this data has to be stored on a reliable storage server. This is where cloud computing comes into play. The data is processed and learned, giving more room for us to discover where things like electrical faults/errors are within the system. 

Availability of big data: We know that IoT relies heavily on sensors, especially in real-time. As these electronic devices spread throughout every field, their usage is going to trigger a massive flux of big data. 

Networking connection: In order to communicate, internet connectivity is a must, where each physical object is represented by an IP address. However, there are only a limited number of addresses available according to the IP naming. Due to the growing number of devices, this naming system will not be feasible anymore. Therefore, researchers are looking for another alternative naming system to represent each physical object.

Ways of Building IOT : There are two ways of building IoT:

Form a separate internet work including only physical objects. 
Make the Internet ever more expansive, but this requires hard-core technologies such as rigorous cloud computing and rapid big data storage (expensive).

In the near future, IoT will become broader and more complex in terms of scope. It will change the world in terms of  “anytime, anyplace, anything in connectivity.”

IoT Enablers

RFIDs: uses radio waves in order to electronically track the tags attached to each physical object.

Sensors: devices that are able to detect changes in an environment (ex: motion detectors).

Nanotechnology: as the name suggests, these are tiny devices with dimensions usually less than a hundred nanometers. Smart networks: (ex: mesh topology). 

Working with IoT Devices

Collect and Transmit Data : For this purpose sensors are widely used they are used as per requirements in different application areas.

Actuate device based on triggers produced by sensors or processing devices: If certain conditions are satisfied or according to user’s requirements if certain trigger is activated then which action to perform that is shown by Actuator devices. 

Receive Information: From network devices, users or devices can take certain information also for their analysis and processing purposes.

Communication Assistance: Communication assistance is the phenomenon of communication between 2 networks or communication between 2 or more IoT devices of same or different networks. This can be achieved by different communication protocols like: MQTT, Constrained Application Protocol, ZigBee, FTP, HTTP etc.

Characteristics of IoT

Massively scalable and efficient IP-based addressing will no longer be suitable in the upcoming future.
An abundance of physical objects is present that do not use IP, so IoT is made possible.
Devices typically consume less power. When not in use, they should be automatically programmed to sleep.

A device that is connected to another device right now may not be connected in another instant of time.
Intermittent connectivity – IoT devices aren’t always connected. In order to save bandwidth and battery consumption, devices will be powered off periodically when not in use. Otherwise, connections might turn unreliable and thus prove to be inefficient.

Desired Quality of any IoT Application


It is the basic first requirement in any IoT infrastructure. Connectivity should be guaranteed from any devices on any network then only devices in a network can communicate with each other.


There can be diversity in IoT enabled devices like different hardware and software configuration or different network topologies or connections, but they should connect and interact with each other despite so much heterogeneity.

Dynamic in Nature

IoT devices should dynamically adapt themselves to the changing surroundings like different situations and different prefaces.

Self-adapting and self configuring technology

For example, surveillance camera. It should be flexible to work in different weather conditions and different light situations (morning, afternoon, or night).


Just data collection is not enough in IoT, extraction of knowledge from the generated data is very important. For example, sensors generate data, but that data will only be useful if it is interpreted properly. So intelligence is one of the key characteristics in IoT. Because data interpretation is the major part in any IoT application because without data processing we can’t make any insights from data. Hence, big data is also one of the most enabling technologies in IoT field.


The number of elements (devices) connected to IoT zones is increasing day by day. Therefore, an IoT setup should be capable of handling the expansion. It can be either expand capability in terms of processing power, storage, etc. as vertical scaling or horizontal scaling by multiplying with easy cloning.


Each IoT device has a unique identity (e.g., an IP address). This identity is helpful in communication, tracking and to know status of the things. If there is no identification then it will directly affect security and safety of any system because without discrimination we can’t identify with whom one network is connected or with whom we have to communicate. So there should be clear and appropriate discrimination technology available between IoT networks and devices.


Sensitive personal details of a user might be compromised when the devices are connected to the Internet. So data security is a major challenge. This could cause a loss to the user. Equipment in the huge IoT network may also be at risk. Therefore, equipment safety is also critical.


It should be hybrid, supporting different manufacturer’s products to function in the IoT network.

As a quick note, IoT incorporates trillions of sensors, billions of smart systems, and millions of applications. 

Application Domains

IoT is currently found in four different popular domains: 

1) Manufacturing/Industrial business - 40.2%
2) Healthcare - 30.3%
3) Security - 7.7%
4) Retail - 8.3% 

Modern Applications: 
  • Smart Grids and energy saving
  • Smart cities
  • Smart homes/Home automation
  • Healthcare
  • Earthquake detection
  • Radiation detection/hazardous gas detection
  • Smartphone detection
  • Water flow monitoring
  • Traffic monitoring
  • Wearables
  • Smart door lock protection system
  • Robots and Drones
  • Healthcare and Hospitals, Telemedicine applications
  • Security
  • Biochip Transponders (For animals in farms)
  • Heart monitoring implants (Example Pacemaker, ECG real time tracking)
  • Agriculture
  • Industry
  • Advantages of IoT
  • Improved efficiency and automation of tasks.
  • Increased convenience and accessibility of information.
  • Better monitoring and control of devices and systems.
  • Greater ability to gather and analyze data.
  • Improved decision-making.
  • Cost savings.

Disadvantages of IoT

  • Security concerns and potential for hacking or data breaches.
  • Privacy issues related to the collection and use of personal data.
  • Dependence on technology and potential for system failures.
  • Limited standardization and interoperability among devices.
  • Complexity and increased maintenance requirements.
  • High initial investment costs.
  • Limited battery life on some devices.
  • Concerns about job displacement due to automation.
  • Limited regulation and legal framework for IoT, which can lead to confusion and uncertainty.

Now!!.. you must be able to understand that 

Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interconnected objects, usually called smart devices, through the Internet. The object can be a heart monitor, a remote, or an automobile with built-in sensors. That is objects that have been assigned an IP address and have the capability to collect and transfer data over a network. The objects interact with the external environment with the help of embedded technology, which helps them in taking decisions. Since these devices can now represent themselves digitally. 

In other words “The globally ruling technology acts as a single key to shrinking this whole universe to a tiny globally connected village, whereas IoT comprises just two words that precisely depict its definition.” 



Internet: Inter connectivity-For global connection
Things: Embedded system devices-sensors, actuators, RFID tags, QR codes and so many. 

  • For sensing the data
  • Collecting the data
  • Sending the data

Thus, on the whole, the Internet of Things is the technology that enables everything to communicate by themselves over the internet through devices without the use of computers. Here comes the most essential and prevalent term in IoT called ‘Smart’ which means Automation – the process of decreasing human intervention or involvement thereby increasing the machine intelligence to perform every task by itself, which could be done by IoT. 

IoT makes an intertwined network of artificial things like physical devices, vehicles, home appliances and even to connect with natural living beings like plants, animals, and so on. 

Some communication devices in IoT:

1. Sensors: Devices that convert physical parameters like temperature, motion, etc… into electrical signals. Smart sensors are the indispensable enablers of IoT. 

Imagine a scenario of automated monitoring of a farm such that it will just indicate the current situation of crops like “4 crops need water, Now I’m going to pour it” and then it will satisfy the crop’s need.

This wonder is because of the IoT technology behind it,

The temperature sensor connected with the plant pot detects the low temperature.
Then it triggers the microprocessor platforms such as Raspberry-Pi, Arduino boards.
It receives the sensor signals through internet pathways such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth.
Then it notifies the user and the motion sensor connected to the tap which turns on to pour it.

2. Actuators: Devices which is a contrast to sensors. It transforms electrical signals into physical movements. Both sensors and actuators are transducers that convert one form of energy to another. The exchange of data is the most important key factor in IoT. Hence sensors and actuators play a vital role here.

3. RFID Tags: Wireless microchips are used for automatic unique identification of anything by tagging it over them. You have been seen it in credit cards, automobile ignition keys, and so on.
Since interconnection of things is the main goal of IoT, the RFID tags get hand-shaken with IoT technology and are used to provide the unique id for the connected “things” in IoT.

There are many communication devices and protocols in IoT. 

Everyone really has numerous questions circling in mind about – How IoT works? What’s behind IoT? What are all the sources of IoT implementation?

Here we kickstarted few paragraphs on IoT implementation and its working.

Some main reasons to make your project as IoT:

1. First reason: (Real-time data) Yes, it’s really important to know this as the first and foremost step to begin. 

Let’s Consider an example: If you are going to make an application where there involves a lot of real-time analysis and immediate actions to be performed based on that real-time data, then you can opt for your choice of making your project as IoT.

So what’s that real-time data actually means?

Assume that you are running the best hotel full of tastiest foods and your regular customer arriving at 11 p.m. (Hotel’s closing time) has ordered his most favorite dish (naan and paneer butter masala). Unfortunately, the paneer stock had got finished. Thus you are in a situation of rapidly getting and preparing the dish to serve your regular customer. This is the real-time analysis and tackling the situation in a wise manner.

A customer at an unexpected time and paneer unavailability–>real time unexpected data
Instant preparation–>real time analysis and situation tackling

2. Second reason: (Intelligent action) 

If you wish to lessen the human monitoring and you are most fond of automating everything to make your product/service to be a benchmark, then you can make use of IoT technology.

Consider an example: If you are engaged in a peak tensed work and always entering the home at late night. To solve this, Imagine your air conditioning system automatically turns on before you have entered the home and makes you cool after your arrival. Then after hearing the sound of opening your house door, the radio system plays your most favorite song and lifts you to the comfort zone.

The same example suits the IoT’s technical concept too, consider the smart irrigation system. Assume that it notifies you that “6 crops got the pest attack” (real-time data) so that the action to be performed immediately, hence the fertilizer itself find and spray the crop with the pest attack (automation).

Needs for setting up IoT environment for basic applications 

1. Choosing a platform for IoT development, which provides a powerful toolkit for IoT development and end-to-end management that connects devices, smart sensors, and IoT gateways to the cloud. 

AWS IoT: (Amazon Web Services) 
A cloud platform designed for IoT apps with the facility of assuring millions of device connectivity and acts as a data sea.
It supports all SDKs like Embedded C, Python, and Java, etc.
Microsoft Azure IoT: 
Azure cloud platform uses Microsoft Visual Studio SDK.
Collect and analyze real-time device data using a pre-configured remote monitoring system.

2. Choosing IoT hardware processor: 

(a) Arduino 

  • Open-source electronics prototyping platform
  • The simplest and the beginner’s choice.
  • To create interactively (IoT) electronic applications
  • It is the first microcontroller based development board
  • Easy to program for beginners by Arduino IDE
Set up – procedure:

It itself has 0.5KB of the boot loader that makes the program be burned into the circuit.
All we have to play with Arduino is to download the Arduino software and start the code.
The Arduino programs are called sketches
Basic Arduino language: C/C++


  • Inexpensive
  • Cross-platform/Multiplatform
  • Flexible and easy prototyping
  • Provides pre-wiring and free code libraries
  • More reliable for hardware applications
(b) Raspberry Pi 

  • Palm-sized computer
  • Constructed with the educational goal
  • Easy even for non-technical user
  • Main storage is by SD card
  • Runs on customized Debian Linux called Raspbian OS
  • Allows installing all packages such as Node.js, Python, and so on.
  • It has 4 USB ports (Universal Serial Bus for data transfer) and 40 GPIO pins (General Purpose Input/Output pins) to be connected with many peripheral friends.
  • HDMI port High Definition Multimedia Interface (to transmit audio and video signals between an HDMI enabled monitor and receiver) to hook up A/V sources.
Set up – procedure: 

Any one of the bootable operating systems is needed to be written on an SD card using apps.
Then connect the display, keyboard, and mouse to the Pi just like that to make it a normal computer.
The Pi supports video output which can be hooked to a monitor or even TV using an HDMI port that provides the normal computer’s abilities.
Then the necessary action code is done with the help of any specified applications.
Basic Raspi language: python, scratch


  • Multiple tasks at a time like a computer
  • Easiest internet connectivity
  • Works on GUI (Graphical User Interface) mode because of HDMI port.
  • Best suited for server-based applications i.e., can be connected via SSH–Secure Shell-to access the Rpi command line remotely and file sharing via FTP–File Transfer Protocol.
  • More reliable for software applications.

3. Need to use Bluetooth beacons: embedded within the devices to allow IoT objects to broadcast information to the nearby mobile devices so that they can communicate.

Beacon: It’s a kind of lighthouse that repeatedly transmits a single signal to other devices called a Bluetooth radio transmitter. 

Advantages of IoT:

▪ Communication
▪ Automation
▪ Remote control
▪ More information
▪ Better decision
▪ Continuous monitoring
▪ Time-saving
▪ Money-saving
▪ Efficient handling

Disadvantages of IoT: 

  • Lagging of standard compatibility
  • More opportunities for failure
  • Loss of privacy or security
  • More dependent on technology
Summary: Thus on the whole Setting up the IoT environment includes, 

Identifying the problem and the purpose.
Identifying the data collection challenges.
Identifying the cloud platform for data storage.
Coding into the processor to meet your expected need after data analysis.
Enhancing the advantages and diminishing the disadvantages of IoT.

Applications of IoT:

Smart City or Smart Home: A smart city or a Smart home both sound like something right out of a science fiction book or a show.
Smart Cities fired up our imagination since the time they were incorporated into the television cartoon The Jetsons. The smart home is supposed to have the following features:-

Smart kitchen appliances:– a smart kitchen that would make the house more functional and more appealing to the people buying the house. A few of the features in the smart kitchen include:-

Smart plate:- will be equipped with Wi-Fi, weight sensors, and cameras. The dish will be watching what you eat. If you overload it sends you an alert and it can sync to your personal fitness plan on your mobile.

Drop:- allows the selection of the dish you wish to cook and with the help of a smart scale, you can put together the recipe for your liking. Further, the recipes Drop suggests involving the use of one bowl most of the time. Meaning, it also ensures less cleaning up after cooking.
Smart Fridge:- this would involve an Artificial Intelligence built into the fridge, which could communicate with other devices in the smart kitchen or in the smart home. There’s a 29-inch front screen taking notes or inputting the specifics about the fridge contents.

Smart Cooker:- allows you to adjust your cooking settings like cooking temperature, cook time enabling you to warm up or turn off the device irrespective of where you are – no more burnt breakfast when this comes into the market!!

Learning Thermostat: can learn the home owner’s daily timetable and adjust the temperature accordingly

Smart Lock: A key-less lock that can be unlocked by means of an application that runs on your smartphone. and many more such devices that can make life around your home much easier.

A smart city is an urban system that uses information and communications technology in order to make the infrastructure more interactive make infrastructure more efficient more importantly, make the infrastructure more accessible that is it is available when we need it A smart city is the need of the hour because of:

  • A swiftly increasing metropolitan population
  • Quickly diminishing store of natural resources
  • Environmental and climatic changes
Now, a smart city shall contain some of these features:

Smart Homes: Smart parking lots- each parking slot shall have an occupancy sensor to sense the presence/absence of a vehicle in that particular slot. A vacant parking space can be chosen by the person wishing to park by simply looking at a mobile application that reflects the status of the parking place smart vehicles smart health, Smart roads, Industrial Automation, Smart retail, and many more…

These are just two of the most common applications of the Internet of things.

What exactly is the Internet of things?

It refers to providing network connectivity & computing capabilities to everyday sensors and objects, allowing them to exchange and consume data without any human intervention or with minimal human interference.

The Internet of things is, thus, a dynamic global network infrastructure with self-configuring capabilities based on standard and interoperable communication protocols where physical and virtual things have identities, physical attributes, and virtual personalities and use intelligent interfaces seamlessly integrated into the information network, often communicate data associated with users and their environment.

The requirements of building an IoT system are as follows:

Dynamic: IoT systems & devices should have the ability to adapt to changes in the operating conditions on the go.

Self-Configuring: This should allow a large number of devices to work together in order to achieve certain functionality.

Should work on interoperable communication protocols in order to facilitate communication between varied devices. Each device in an IoT should have a unique identity that helps in controlling it by means of the Internet Thus, everything that we discussed shall have a sensor built into it (some names reflect it by the word smart attached to them like smart city/smart home).

Smart City and Smart Home are among a few of the revolutionary applications that we can expect out of the Internet of things technology.
Some of the items described above are about to be launched into the market this year by well-known brands. LG is going to launch a new smart fridge ThinQ which can grant us alerts on when the food stored in it is about to go bad by means of virtual stickers and expiry dates. The Government of India has launched a smart city plan in which many of the smart city features mentioned above will be implemented.

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                                    IoT Explained: What It Is, How It Works, Why It Matters?

IoT: The Internet of Things. When the Internet became commonplace, we were all
connected as an Internet of people. That has been life-changing. But it’s about to
change all over again. Soon it will be our devices (and cars and phones and appliances
and more) that are connected, not us, and this shift is going to turn our world upside
down—in a very good way, according to most experts. Some predict the changes will be
so extreme, IoT will lead to the next Industrial Revolution.

The Internet of Things will be so monumental in part because the number of “things” will far outnumber the number of people. Gartner predicts we will have 20.4 billion connected devices by 2020. Can you imagine that? Over 20 billion devices, all connected and sharing data all around us all the time. And that’s on the low end. 

FTC predicts it will be 50 billion, and this infographic says possibly even 200 billion. And then there’s the money: IDC predicts the global IoT market will be valued at over $1.7 trillion by 2020. Billions of devices and trillions of dollars? It’s all mind-boggling! But that’s nothing but numbers at this point.

Those devices and dollars don’t tell us what IoT is, how it works, or why it matters. And without understanding those three things, you can’t really appreciate the significance of this inevitable transformation—or your potential place in it.

The Internet of Things: What Is IoT?

Let’s start with the question, what is IoT? According to the Internet, it’s “the interconnection via the Internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data.” At a consumer level, these devices can be placed in our cars, phones, appliances, medical equipment, wristbands, livestock and more. At an industrial level, these devices can be in machinery, shipping equipment, vehicles, robots, warehouses and more. But where the devices are located matters less than what they do. And what they do is “talk” to each other, sharing data and getting feedback based on that data and all the other data that is being generated, analyzed and acted on.

How It Works: Internet of Things Applications

Perhaps the best way to explain how IoT works is to take a look at the Internet of Things applications.

 What are some of the real-world scenarios possible with this technology?

● Your car could detect an engine problem, schedule an appointment with your mechanic, and let the manufacturer know about the problem, in case it has happened in other engines too.

● Your smart home could know if you’ve had a stressful work day could play
soothing music and offer soft lighting when you walk through the door.

● Your refrigerator could let you know which groceries to buy—or order them for

● Your coffeemaker could know when you wake up and turn on at that time.
In these examples, none of the devices is acting alone. They are responding to and
submitting data. The sensor in the car is connected to the mechanic’s calendar and the
manufacturer’s log. 

  • Your smart home knows you had a long day because it is connected to your calendar. Your refrigerator is receiving data to know the food that might have rotten—and which food you like to have on hand. Your coffeemaker is connected to your wristband, to know when you wake up.

All of those scenarios make for an easier day for the consumer, but what about the
enterprise? What does IoT mean to the commercial world? Plenty!

 In the world of the industrial Internet of Things, similar devices can track inventory to optimize when stock is on hand and re-ordered, streamline transportation by taking into account weather or traffic, and decrease mechanical breakdowns with predictive maintenance. 

Autonomous vehicles can deliver needed warehouse parts at the exact time they’re needed. The examples go on and on and on because the industrial Internet of Things is already underway—and businesses are already benefitting from it. Why It Matters: Internet of Things Benefits

Based on the examples of applications described above, you can see that IoT simply makes life better for the consumer and cost-effective for the business. And these two points of view are equally important, because you can answer questions about the Internet of Things benefits in one of the two ways: from the consumer’s point of view or from the business’s point of view.

● From the consumer’s point of view, IoT has the potential to streamline our daily activities, lower our utility bills (and energy usage), improve our healthcare, keep us out of traffic, and so much more. It has the potential to make our lives easier.

● From the business’s point of view, IoT has the potential to cut costs, increase efficiencies, improve customer service, speed up decision making, and so much more. It has the potential to be a competitive advantage and to reward those innovators who adapt to it first. 

Pursuing a Career in IoT

The IoT transformation is already underway, and businesses can’t afford to ignore this, nor can they remain ignorant about challenges they will face as they adapt to IoT. But what about you as an individual? Should you be taking steps to prepare for this next Industrial Revolution? Possibly, if you’d like a career with a secure future and endless possibilities. IoT offers plenty of jobs in part because IoT is not an industry or a specific technology, but a compendium of all. Therefore skilled professionals are needed in data and analytics, programming and ITIL, cloud computing and TOGAF, and programming
and engineering.

 The list goes on and on. If you’re interested in learning more, below are four ways to be part of the next wave of the Internet, although there are many more:

1. Learning ITIL—According to influencer Manuel W. Lloyd, ITIL is vital to the
future of IoT, because of the additional challenges to stability, networking and
security that will result. “With its proven framework for managing once
disconnected things, ITIL is the best hope for the future of not just IoT, but the
Internet itself,” he says.

2. Learning TOGAF—IoT is one of the technologies addressed by The Open
Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) Open Platform 3.0. The IoT standards
from the Open Group will do for IoT what HTML and the HTTP did for the web,
enabling everything to be connected instantly. A TOGAF certification will give
you the skills needed to work with IoT.

3. Learning Big Data—This one might be obvious, since IoT is based on data, and
will generate massive amounts of it! Most organizations will have to adapt
their technologies to be able to handle the large amounts of IoT data that will
result from the Internet of Things.

4. Learning Blockchain—The secure nature of blockchain might make it crucial to IoT.

Unlike some technologies that get predicted but don’t pan out, IoT will happen—already is happening. And soon we’ll be as accustomed to the connected devices and the data they share as we are now to email and Google. But it’s best to be prepared, whether for your own business or for your future job prospects.

Top 35 IoT Terms You Need to Know

Whether you’re at work, at home, off on vacation, or simply out on the town doing some
shopping, you can’t escape the Internet of Things. For those still not in the know, the Internet of Things is a system of connectivity that takes computer devices, digital technology, objects, and people, and binds them into a network of continually streaming information.

With the Internet of Things, everyday objects like cars, wearable tech, household
appliances, even dog collars, can be equipped with sensors and an Internet connection.
This setup enables the item in question to send and receive data, which can then be
used to collect data that can, in turn, be used to improve products and services.
The Internet of Things is growing daily, insinuating itself in every aspect of our lives.
According to Forbes, the number of cellular IoT connections is expected to reach 3.5
billion by 2023!

With a field so rich in potential, IT professionals must be well-versed in IoT, and that
includes its terminology. That’s why we now present the top 35 IoT terms for your
information and edification.

IoT Terms

1. 6LoWPAN

A fusion of IPv6 (the current Internet protocol), and Low-Power Wireless Personal
Area Networks, it permits power-constrained IoT devices to access the TCP/IP
Internet directly. This means that even the smallest and weakest IoT devices can
have connectivity.

2. Advanced Encryption Standards

This is an electronic data encryption specification that has been the standard for
IoT device transport layer security since 2001.

3. Application Programming Interface

A method of expediting communication between computers and
hardware/software platforms.

4. Beacon Technology

This permits small network transmitters to interact with systems utilizing
low-power Bluetooth. Apple’s version is called iBeacon.

5. Big Data

Large volumes of information, both structured and unstructured, collected from a
massive number of sources and delivered at extremely rapid speed. This
information is raw data that is used by analysts to devise better-informed
strategies for businesses and other organizations. IoT is a huge source for Big

6. Bluetooth Low Energy

A wireless, personal-area network characterized by lower power usage and a
limited range for data transmission. It’s also called Bluetooth 4.0.

7. Cloud Computing

Remote servers connected via a network and used for data storage, processing,
and management, instead of relying on a local, in-house physical server.

8. Embedded Software

The computer software that controls hardware devices and systems that are not
usually considered computers, like a smart refrigerator, for instance.

9. Firmware-Over-The-Air
Also known as FOTA, this technology allows the remote wireless installation,
repair, and upgrading of software and services on mobile devices.


This is any device that gathers information from various network points and
sends that information on to another network.

11.Global Navigation Satellite System

The GNSS is any satellite navigation system that offers autonomous geo-spatial
positioning, timing, and navigation, either by region or globally.

12.Industrial IoT

This is the means for machines and industrial applications to have real-time
communication with each other (M2M). This will probably be what brings SkyNet

13.Link Budget

This is a telecommunication system jargon that describes an accounting of all of
the gains and losses going from a transmitter, passing through the medium, and
ending up at the receiver.

14.Low-Power Wide-Area

A network offering a low range and low power consumption, used primarily for
M2M communications.

15.Low-Power Wireless Sensor Network

A collection of scattered, independent devices that measure environmental or
physical conditions, all without significant power consumption.

16.Lora Protocol

A long-range digital wireless communication technique to facilitate IoT and M2M


A more power-efficient standard for machine communications.


Also known as M2M for short, it’s the process of machines or other connected
devices communicating with each other without human intervention.

19.Media Access Control

A data link layer (DLL) sublayer transmits data packets to and from a network
interface card.

20.Mesh Network

A network system where devices transmit their data while also serving as relays
to other nodes.

21.Mobile IoT

Low power, wide area devices used in conjunction with mobile devices
interfacing with IoT networks.


This stands for Narrow Band IoT and is used as a convenient, cost-effective
means of expanding IoT into a whole new series of devices and everyday
household items. This is a low-power, wide-area technology, and will be
instrumental in increasing the scope of IoT in the years to come.

23.Near-Field Communication

Otherwise known as NFC, it permits two-way communication between closely
located endpoints. It’s a short-range, low-power, low-speed form of radio

24.Quality of Service

A measurement of how well a network supports IT connectivity. This covers
elements such as transmission delays, availability of connections, and data loss.

25.Radio Frequency Identification

Commonly called RFID tags, uses electromagnetic coupling and radio
frequencies to identify people and things. It has a limited range and data
transmission capabilities. The number bibs that runners use in road races, for
instance, are equipped with RFID tags to confirm they passed certain course

26.RF Geolocation

Otherwise known as using a radio transceiver to find another radio transceiver.
The classic example of this is the ever-popular GPS, found in many models of


A device used to extend network range by receiving a digital signal and
re-transmitting it.

28.Sensor/Sensor Network

A device or group of devices that monitor and collect environmental data from a
variety of locations in network range.

29.Smart Meter

A device used by utility companies to collect information about energy
consumption (e.g., electricity, natural gas, water), and transmit the data back to
the company or even to the consumer.

30.Software-Defined Network

A network method that reassigns information flow control from hardware in favor
of a software controller.


A computer system designed for long-distance data transmissions, the most
ubiquitous example being GPS and satellite radio tech installed in automobiles.

32.Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

Better known as TCP/IP, this is the basic protocol suite for all Internet and private
network communications and connections.

33.Ultra-Wide Band

The UWB is a weak signal sent over a wide frequency and is employed mostly as
a localizing signal and distance measurement.


Devices were worn by people and equipped with sensors, monitors, and an
Internet connection to gather data regarding the wearer’s activity, life, and
environment (e.g., Apple Watch, Fitbit).


Used for personal-area networks (PAN), this is a short-range, low-power standard
employed for control and sensing, and can also be used to create a more
extended range, energy-efficient, low data transfer rate networks.
And there you have it, almost three dozen IoT terms that give you a better understanding
of this rapidly expanding technology. If you want even more of an understanding of IoT,
then perhaps some education is in order.

Learning About Big Data

While learning IoT-related jargon is a great thing, it’s even better when you master the concepts that relate to IoT. We can help you accomplish this with its Big Data .Architect master’s program. The IoT is a huge contributor to Big Data, and one of the best tools for processing Big Data is called Hadoop.

The program transforms you into a qualified Hadoop Architect. This empowers you in mastering various aspects of Hadoop, including real-time processing using Spark and NoSQL database technology and other Big Data technologies such as Storm, Kafka, and Impala. Big Data Hadoop architects are among the highest-paid professionals in the IT industry.

The program offers seven valuable and informative courses, featuring over 50 in-demand skills and tools, over a dozen real-life projects, and access to over 100 instructor-led online classes. When you earn your certificate, you’ll be ready to tackle the challenges of Big Data, making a potential average of USD 150K.

Leveraging Smart Contracts for IoT Applications

Blockchain is finding new exciting use cases every day. Its popularity with cryptocurrencies, financial management, and the supply chain have been well documented, but one of the biggest areas of opportunity lies with the Internet of Things

(IoT). At its core, blockchain can be used to effectively track entire ecosystems of interconnected devices, even in the billions, to enable secure data exchange and processing. It is the decentralized nature of blockchain that makes it ideal for IoT, particularly smart contracts for tracking IoT device registration, storage, and provisioning, as well as improving the transparency, traceability, and security of the data that is transmitted within IoT networks.

Distributed Ledger Technology and Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are self-executing business automation applications that operate on decentralized blockchain networks. They have become one of the most appealing aspects of blockchain systems because they lower contract administration cost and complexity. When transactions take place via a blockchain, smart contracts execute only under predetermined conditions. Once those conditions are met and verified, such as an exchange in cryptocurrency or a delivery of goods at a port, the payment is
automatically made by bitcoin or fiat money, or goods can continue on their journey (once IoT sensors confirm the contents are unopened, for example). The blockchain ledger is the underlying framework that stores the smart contract.

The Role of Smart Contracts in IoT Systems

Because blockchain and smart contract models are based on cryptographically secured and immutably distributed ledgers, IoT networks can share data more securely across stakeholders, embed agreed-upon business terms to automate transactions, verify identification and authentication, and reduce costs by eliminating the intermediaries.  The health of the IoT network is improved by letting devices register and validate themselves, automatically executing contracts, and reducing the threat of cyberattack
since there is no central system to target. 

Using smart contracts for IoT solves many real-world business issues, including:

● Improving analysis of data processed at the edge (by IoT devices) based on recorded metadata to ensure compliance and create an audit trail for data decision-making 

● Publishing secure software updates as a URL on the blockchain, including a cryptographic hash that 
    IoT devices can validate 
● Ensuring automated payments to everyone on the IoT network, even micropayments made between       devices

Use Cases in the Food Industry

The food industry is looking to utilize blockchain and smart contracts to streamline the shipping and tracking of food worldwide, and IoT devices will be at the heart of their efforts.

A recent report by Cointelegraph Consulting and VeChain mentions that blockchain and IoT can potentially solve some of the food industry’s most pressing challenges and save it $100 billion a year. More than $300 billion worth of food will be traced along the supply chain annually by 2027, and the most serious concerns are a lack of transparency and accountability.

IoT sensors can send accurate information on food temperature for frozen items, for example, to the blockchain network, and this data can be analyzed and shared among stakeholders to ensure the authenticity, freshness, and quality of the food. Smart contracts obtain more detail from IoT devices so that payments can be more accurate based on the quality of the food delivered. Coupling IoT devices with blockchain and smart contracts can save the industry billions of dollars a year. Global companies such as Walmart, Carrefour, and California Giant Berry Farms are already getting involved in
the effort.

GPS-based IoT and Smart Contracts

GPS-based IoT sensors give companies a chance to track and trace goods wherever they are in the supply chain. The data provided becomes an automatic trigger for a smart contract when predefined conditions are met. One great example is for tracking a manufactured good from production through to shipping and delivery. The seller can publish the production status on the blockchain platform, which can be monitored by both a buyer and a distributor. When the product is nearing completion, the distributor knows to arrange for pickup, and GPS sensors in the container can broadcast the ongoing delivery status to all concerned stakeholders. Even a bank that is funding the transaction has full visibility into the contract and status, and it can validate the origin to reduce funding risk.

Smart Contract Skill Sets Will Be in Demand

Blockchain technologies and smart contracts are opening up new opportunities for
companies that produce and deliver goods worldwide to run their operations with better
oversight, lower costs, and considerably less risk for themselves and consumers. With
so much on the line, demand for blockchain and smart contract experts will continue to
grow to ensure that companies stay ahead of the most important technology trends.

How Big Data is Powering the Internet of Things (IoT) Revolution

For quite a while now, a revolution of connectivity has been brewing around us.
The internet in the 1990s could connect 1 billion users through shaky dial-up networks.
The mobile wave of the 2000s made it possible for over 2 billion users to find
information, keep in touch with friends around the word, and watch videos.
And now, the Internet of Things has the potential to connect 10 times as many (28
billion) devices to the internet–from cars to bracelets–by 2020.

But what is the Internet of Things?

The emerging third wave in the development of the internet, the Internet of Things (IoT)
is a network of physical objects that can be accessed via the Internet. These objects are
everyday items like dishwashers and cars, which contain embedded technology that can
interact with an external environment or regulate internal states.

Example: A system that plays your favorite TV program as soon as you enter the room.
Big Data and the Internet of Things

According to a study by Gartner, the revenue that is generated from IoT-enabled services
and products will exceed $300 billion by 2020. This, however, is only the tip of the iceberg.

There is going to be a vast amount of data that IoT will generate, and in today’s world, well-analyzed data is extremely valuable.

The impact of this will be felt all over the Big Data universe which, in turn, will force companies to quickly upgrade their current processes, tools, and technology to accommodate massive data volumes and take advantage of insights that will be delivered by Big Data.

Preparing for a career in Data Science? Take this test to know where you stand!

How is all this data going to be stored?

The first thing that comes to mind when talking about Big Data and IoT is the increase in
the volume of data that will hit the data storage framework of companies. Data centers
will have to be set up to handle all this additional data load.

Taking into consideration the enormous impact IoT will on data storage infrastructure,
organizations have begun to move towards the Platform-as-a-Service model, a
cloud-based solution, as opposed to maintaining their own storage infrastructure.
Unlike, in-house data systems that need to be constantly updated as the data load
increases, PaaS provides flexibility, scalability, compliance, and a sophisticated
architecture to store all valuable IoT data.

Cloud storage options include public, private, as well as hybrid models. If a company
has sensitive data that is subject to any regulatory compliance requirements that
require heightened security, using a private cloud would be the best course of action.
For other companies, a public or hybrid cloud can be used for the storage of IoT data.

Companies will have to adapt their Big Data technologies 

Most organizations will have to adapt their technologies to be able to handle the large
amounts of IoT data that will be coming their way.

The most important aspect is being able to receive events from IoT-linked devices. Very
soon, devices can and will be connected to each other via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or any other
technology, and will need to send required messages to brokers using a well-defined
protocol. One of the most widely used protocols is the Message Queue Telemetry

Transport or the MQTT, and one of the most popular brokers is The Mosquito (as an
added bonus, The Mosquito is open-source).

Once data has been received, the next step is to find the best technology platform for
storing IoT data. A lot of companies use Hive and Hadoop to store data. However,

NoSQL databases like Apache CouchDB are more suitable for IoT data since they offer
low latency and high throughput. These types of databases are schema-less and
support flexibility, while giving users the option to add new event types easily.

Issues of Data Security will definitely crop up
The devices that will make up the IoT, as well as the kinds of data they generate, will
vary by nature. Data types will include raw data, processed data, communication
protocols, etc, and thus will thus carry different data security risks.

IoT is still very new to security professionals, who lack the experience to handle

IoT-based security threats effectively, which, in turn, increases risks. Attacks of any kind
can threaten more than just data. There is the also risk of damage to the devices
connected to the network.

In this type of world, it will become necessary for organizations to make crucial changes
to their security landscape. IoT devices will come in various sizes and shapes and will
be located outside the network, but must also be able to communicate with corporate

Therefore, every device must have a non-repudiation identifier for the purpose of
authentication. Enterprises need to know they are getting their details from the correct
source and should be able store them for the purpose of an audit.

A multi-layered system for security, and proper segmentation of the network, will help
prevent attacks and keep them from corrupting the other parts of the network. An IoT
system that has been properly configured will follow a finely-tuned network access
control policy to check which of the many IoT devices are allowed to connect.

Software-defined networking or SDN technologies combined with network identity and
appropriate access policies are essential to ensure a dynamic network segmentation.
Networks based on the SDN segmentation can, and must, also be used for
point-to-point and point-to-multipoint encryption (these are based on some of the
PKI/SDN amalgamations).

Setting up a Big Data Analytics platform in organizations
Once companies have a secure and efficient system to store IoT-related data, they need
to be able to analyze it. Extracting and managing value from IoT is a big challenge that
companies face.

A good analytics platform should be tailored according to three different parameters:
right-size infrastructure, performance, and future growth. To maximize performance, a
single-tenant physical server dedicated to a single customer is the best fit. To ensure
future growth and the right size of infrastructure, a hybrid approach is the way to go.

Hybrid deployments consist of platforms like the cloud, managed hosting, colocation,
and dedicated hosting. This deployment combines the best features from various
platforms into a single, optimal environment. The managed service providers or MSPs
also work on that platform to handle IoT data. MSP vendors typically work on the
performance, infrastructure, and the tools side of things to cover the entire domain of

Continuous streams of data are generated by a single IoT device. Scale it up, and
companies will analyze a high volume data and perform actions on the same. These
actions can include event correlation, statistics preparation, metric calculation, and

The IoT and Big Data job market

Big Data and the Internet of Things are the two most-talked-about technology topics of
the last few years. This is one of the chief reasons why they occupy prominent places
on analyst firm Gartner’s most recent Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies.

These two technologies are set to transform all areas in business as well as everyday

In the 2015 Internet of Things predictions, IDC notes that over 50% of IoT activity is
centered in manufacturing, transportation, smart city, and consumer applications, but
that within five years every industry will have rolled out IoT initiatives.

Data Science Central conducted a survey that showed how widespread IoT jobs are,

This is a list of the top companies that are hiring for IoT related jobs:

1. PTC – The Product Development Company

2. Amazon

3. Continental

4. Savi Group

5. Intel

6. Ayla Networks

7. HP

8. LogMeln.Inc

9. Red Hat. Inc




13.Cisco Systems. Inc



The IoT and Data related positions that companies are hoping to fill with qualified
people are:

1. Big Data Lead (IoT)

2. Data Scientist - IoT

3. Data Engineer - Sensors and IoT

4. Data Engineer Sensors and IoT Applications

Given these developments, the opportunities available to certified Big Data

professionals in the rapidly growing ‘Internet of Things’ domain are endless.

2. Things and connections PPT 


 A device which provides a usable output in response to a specified measurement

 Sensor is a device that detects and responds to some type of input from the physical 

 Input could be light, heat, motion, moisture, force, pressure, displacement, etc.

 It produces a proportional output signal (electrical, mechanical, magnetic, etc.).

 Human beings are equipped with 5 different types of sensors.

 Eyes detect light energy, ears detect acoustic energy, a tongue and a nose detect 
certain chemicals, and skin detects pressures and temperatures. The eyes, ears, tongue, 
nose, and skin receive these signals then send messages to the brain which outputs a 

 For example, when you touch a hot plate, it is your brain that tells you it is hot, not 
your skin.

The sensor converts physical quantity into electrical quantity. Transducers transform one form of energy into another form of energy. The sensor does not comprise any other component other than itself. The transducer is comprised of signal conditioning and sensors.

Sensor is a device used for the conversion of physical events or characteristics into the electrical signals. This is a hardware device that takes the input from environment and gives to the system by converting it.

For example, a thermometer takes the temperature as physical characteristic and then converts it into electrical signals for the system.


Measurement devices perform a complete measuring function, from initial detection to final indication. The important aspects of measurement system are

 i) Sensor – Primary sensing element
 ii) Transducer – changes one form of energy to another form energy
iii) Transmitter – Contains the transducer and produces an amplified, standardized energy signal.


 Sensors are omnipresent. They embedded in our bodies, automobiles, airplanes, cellular 
telephones, radios, chemical plants, industrial plants and countless other applications.
 Sensors in industrial applications being used for process control, monitoring, and safety, 
and in medicine being used for diagnostics, There monitoring, critical care, and public 
 Sensors can improve the world through diagnostics in medical applications; improved 
performance of energy sources like fuel cells and batteries and solar power; improved 
health and safety and security for people; sensors for exploring space and improved 
environmental monitoring.
 Without the use of sensors, there would be no automation!
 We live in the World of Sensors.
 In our day-to-day life we frequently use different types of sensors in several applications
 We can find different types of Sensors in our homes, offices, cars etc. Working to make 
our lives easier by turning on the lights by detecting our presence, adjusting the room 
temperature, detect smoke or fire, make us delicious coffee and open garage doors as 
soon as our car is near the door and many other tasks.


Actuator is a device that converts the electrical signals into the physical events or characteristics. It takes the input from the system and gives output to the environment.
For example, motors and heaters are some of the commonly used actuators.

A mechanical actuator functions to execute movement by converting one kind of motion, such as rotary motion, into another kind, such as linear motion. An example is a rack and pinion. The operation of mechanical actuators is based on combinations of structural components, such as gears and rails, or pulleys and chains.

Microcontrollers are used in automatically controlled products and devices, such as automobile engine control systems, implantable medical devices, remote controls, office machines, appliances, power tools, toys and other embedded systems.

Example 1: Low-Cost Temperature Measurement and Control System


A farmer wants to develop a low-cost measurement and control system to help address heat and cold stresses in confined livestock production. Specifically, the farmer wants to maintain the optimal indoor temperature of 18° to 20°C for a growing-finishing pig barn. A heating/cooling system needs to be activated if the temperature is lower or higher than the optimal range. The aim is to make a simple indicator to alert the stock handlers when the temperature is out of the target range, so that they can take action. (Automatic heating and cooling control is not required here.) Design and build a microcontroller-based measurement and control system to meet the specified requirements.


Complete the recommended steps discussed above.

Step 1. Understand the problem.

• Functions—We need a system to monitor the ambient temperature and make alerts when the temperature is out of the 18° to 20°C range. The alert needs to indicate whether it is too cold or too hot, and the size of the deviation from that range.
• Environment—As a growing-finishing pig barn can be noisy, we will use a visual indicator as an alert rather than a sound alert.
• Existing sensors or actuators—For this example, assume that heating and cooling mechanisms have been installed in the barn. We just need to automate the temperature monitoring and decision-making process.
• Frequency—The temperature in a growing-finishing pig barn usually does not change rapidly. In this example, let’s assume the caretakers require the temperature to be monitored every second.
• Precision—In this project, let’s set the requirements for the precision at one degree Celsius for the temperature control.
Step 2. Identify the appropriate sensors and/or actuators.

The sensor that will be used in this example to measure temperature is the Texas Instruments LM35. It is one of the most widely used, low-cost temperature sensors in measurement and control systems in industry. Its output voltage is linearly proportional temperature, so the relationship between the sensor output and the temperature is straightforward.

We will use an RGB LED to light in different colors and blink at different rates to indicate the temperature and make alerts. This type of LED is a combination of a red LED, a green LED, and a blue LED in one package. By adjusting the intensity of each LED, a series of colors can be made. In this example, we will light the LED in blue when a temperature is lower than the optimal range, in green when the temperature is within the optimal range, and in red when the temperature is higher than the optimal range. In addition, the further the temperature has deviated from the optimal range, the faster the LED will blink. In this way, we alert the caretakers that a heating or cooling action needs to be taken and how urgent the situation is.

The bottom view of a Texas Instruments LM35 precision centigrade temperature sensor in the LP package.
Figure  2.1.9
 : Texas Instruments LM35 precision centigrade temperature sensor in the LP package and its pin configuration and functions (from LM35 datasheet
Step 3. Understand the input and output signals.

The LM35 series are precision integrated circuit temperature sensors with an output voltage linearly proportional to the Celsius (C) temperature (LM35 datasheet; There are three pins in the LP package of the sensors as shown in Figure 2.1.9. A package is a way that a block of semiconductors is encapsulated in a metal, plastic, glass, or ceramic casing.

The sensor measurement needs to be calibrated. To do this, you can use an ice-water bath to create a 0°C environment, a cup of boiling water to create a 100°C environment, and an accurate thermometer to measure a room temperature. Derive a regression line. Its slope and intercept represent the relationship between the sensor measurements and the true values. For the example below, the slope is 1 and the intercept is 0.5°C.

• The +VS pin is the positive power supply pin with voltage between 4V and 20V (in this project, we use +5V);
• The VOUT pin is the temperature sensor analog output of no more than 6V (5V for this project);
• The GND pin is the device ground pin to be connected to the power supply negative terminal.
The accuracy specifications of the LM35 temperature sensor are given with respect to a simple linear transfer function:

Vout=10mV ∘C×T(2.1.1)
where VOUT is the temperature sensor output voltage in millivolts (mV) and T is the temperature in °C.

A diagram of the pin placement in a 5-millimeter common cathode.
Figure  2.1.10
 : (a) a 5-mm common cathode RGB LED and (b) its pin configuration (
In an RGB LED, each of the three single-color LEDs has two leads, the anode (or positive pin) where the current flows in and the cathode (or negative pin) where the current flows out. There are two types of RGB LEDs: common anode and common cathode. Assume we use the common cathode RGB LED as show in Figure 2.1.10 but the other type would also work. The common cathode (–) pin 2 will connect to the ground. The anode (+) pins 1, 3, and 4 will connect to the digital output pins of the microcontroller.

Step 4. Select a microcontroller.

There are many general-purpose microcontrollers available commercially, such as the Microchip PIC, Parallax BASIC Stamp 2, ARM, and Arduino (Arduino, 2019). In this example, we will select an Arduino UNO microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P microcontroller

 ( (Figure 2.1.11). 

The microcontroller has three types of memory: a 2KB RAM where the program creates and manipulates variables when it runs; a 1KB EEPROM where long-term information such as the firmware of the microcontroller is stored, and 32KB flash memory that can be used to store the programs you developed. The flash memory and EEPROM memory are non-volatile, which means the information persists after the power is turned off. The RAM is volatile, and the information will be lost when the power is removed. 

There are 14 digital I/O pins and 6 analog input pins on the Arduino UNO board. There is a 16 MHz quartz crystal oscillator. ATmega-based boards, including the Arduino UNO, take about 100 microseconds (0.0001 s) to read an analog input. So, the maximum reading rate is about 10,000 times a second, which is more than enough for our desired sampling frequency of every second. 

The board runs at 5 V. It can be powered by a USB cable, an AC-to-DC adapter, or a battery. If an USB cable is used, it also serves for loading, running, and debugging the program developed in the Arduino IDE. The Arduino UNO microcontroller is compatible with the LM35 temperature sensor and the desired control objectives of this project.

Sensors and transducers are input and output devices respectively that can be incorporated into an electronic circuit or system allowing it to measure or change its surrounding environment.

But for an electronic circuit or system to perform any useful task or function it needs to be able to communicate with the “real world” whether this is by reading an input signal from an “ON/OFF” switch or by activating some form of output device to illuminate a single light.

In other words, an Electronic System or circuit must be able or capable of “doing” something and Sensors and Transducers are the perfect components for doing this.

The word “Transducer” is the collective term used for both Sensors which can be used to sense a wide range of different energy forms such as movement, electrical signals, radiant energy, thermal or magnetic energy etc, and Actuators which can be used to switch voltages or currents.

There are many different types of sensors and transducers, both analogue and digital and input and output available to choose from. The type of input or output transducer being used, really depends upon the type of signal or process being “Sensed” or “Controlled” but we can define a sensor and transducers as devices that converts one physical quantity into another.

Devices which perform an “Input” function are commonly called Sensors because they “sense” a physical change in some characteristic that changes in response to some excitation, for example heat or force and covert that into an electrical signal. Devices which perform an “Output” function are generally called Actuators and are used to control some external device, for example movement or sound.

Electrical Transducers are used to convert energy of one kind into energy of another kind, so for example, a microphone (input device) converts sound waves into electrical signals for the amplifier to amplify (a process), and a loudspeaker (output device) converts these electrical signals back into sound waves and an example of this type of simple Input/Output (I/O) system is given below.

Simple Input/Output System using Sound Transducers sound transducer system

There are many different types of sensors and transducers available in the marketplace, and the choice of which one to use really depends upon the quantity being measured or controlled, with the more common types given in the table below:

Common Sensors and Transducers

4. Building IOT Applications


An IDE is a desktop computer application that integrates the various software tools required to create, test, and deploy firmware onto the microcontroller. These tools include some or all of the following: editors, build tools (compilers or assemblers, and linkers), and debug tools (simulators and emulators).

A source code editor is a text editor designed specifically for editing source code. Although any text editor can be used to write and edit source code, source code editors are easier for programmers to use because they include features such as syntax highlighting, autocomplete, and bracket matching.

A compiler is a computer program that evaluates and optimizes high-level source code, such as C, against the programming language’s syntax. If the source code correctly follows the rules of the syntax, the compiler translates the source code into machine code and places it in an object file. The compilers in microcontroller IDEs are more accurately described as “cross compilers,” because the code is compiled on one type of computer and deployed on another.

An assembler translates low-level assembly code into machine code.

A linker links the object file from the compiler to object files from other sources, including other compiled files, real-time operating system (RTOS) modules, and system libraries. The result is an executable file, called a hex file. In microcontroller IDEs, the linker is often part of the compiler rather than a standalone piece of software.

Most modern MCUs support in-system programming (ISP), which allows the user to program the device in the circuit by connecting an adapter between the circuit board and the PC. The device-programming software is usually integrated into the IDE, but it can also be used as standalone software.

The bootloader is a piece of software that resides in the ROM of the MCU and executes when it is started or reset. It is a key component in supporting the ISP features of an MCU.

The most common IDEs are the Arduino IDE, MPLAB for the PIC microcontroller ( /pic) and Keil μVision. Each of these IDEs offers a code editor, an integrated compiler and linker, and a device programmer. The Keil IDE also features debug and emulation tools and can be used to program 8051-based and ARM devices from various manufacturers.

Development Languages
The CPU can only understand and execute machine code, which consists of very simple instructions (opcodes) and data (operands) that must be processed. Machine code instructions are difficult to read and vary greatly among individual processors. Almost all MCU programs are written in assembly language or C, which are closer to natural language than obscure machine code. However, they still support key system functionality, such as access to registers. Java can also be used to program embedded devices, but this is less common.

Assembly is a low-level language, in which each instruction corresponds to a single machine code instruction. Opcodes are described using an English word, such as jump, rather than a number. As with machine code, it is very closely coupled to an individual processor and produces very efficient code. However, it is slow and difficult to program.

C (or variants of C including the Arduino programming language and nesC) is the most common programming language for microcontrollers. It provides all the features of a higher-level language while allowing the programmer to insert assembly statements if granular control is required. Modern C compilers generate efficient machine code for the MCU, without the programmer having to understand machine code. In many cases, this layer of abstraction from the MCU ensures that code can be recompiled and used for similar MCUs with minimal effort.

nesC (network embedded systems C) is a C-variant language used to create real-time TinyOS applications. It consists of components that are wired together via their interfaces to create an application. Shimmer and TelosB motes are programmed using this language.

Java is an interpreted object-orientated language and therefore requires a more powerful processor than 8-bit and 16-bit MCUs. However, it is becoming more widely used: Java is the main programming language for Android applications, and a Java runtime (Java ME Embedded) has been developed especially for ARM-based MCUs.

Debugging embedded systems requires different methods than debugging PC-based applications, because of the different peripherals available to each computer type. Embedded systems lack a mouse, keyboard, and monitor; however, they have easy access to LEDs, LCDs, and breakout pins, which can be used to provide debug information to the user. In-circuit emulation, background debug mode (BDM), and simulators are the most common methods for performing step-by-step debugging of the source code.

Line-by-line debugging: ICE and BDM were described earlier: ICE physically replaces the target processor with a processor that emulates the target’s functionality, while BDM uses the target processor to step through and test the code. Simulators model the behavior of the target microcontroller in software (and some simulators allow the programmer to model basic external events). However, simulators are not fast enough to replicate a microcontroller’s real-time behavior, nor can they accurately model the behavior of external components. Simulators are most useful for evaluation of software, which does not use external peripherals, or for initial evaluation of software before debugging the hardware.

Verbose error messages: The RS232 interface can be used to print error and debug messages from the microcontroller to the serial port. Data from the serial port can be entered and viewed on a terminal emulator on the PC. Verbose messages can also be printed to the microcontroller’s LCD display, if one exists.

Pin debugging: Setting or clearing a port pin is a quick and crude method for indicating that a certain point in code has been activated, and controlling the timing between events. Similarly, an LED can be set and cleared to provide a visual indication of the software status.

Embedded C is most popular programming language in software field for developing electronic gadgets. Each processor used in electronic system is associated with embedded software.

Embedded C programming plays a key role in performing specific function by the processor. In day-to-day life we used many electronic devices such as mobile phone, washing machine, digital camera, etc. These all device working is based on microcontroller that are programmed by embedded C.

Let's see the block diagram representation of embedded system programming:

Let's see the block diagram of Embedded C Programming development:

The Embedded C code written in above block diagram is used for blinking the LED connected with Port0 of microcontroller.

Function is a collection of statements that is used for performing a specific task and a collection of one or more functions is called a programming language. Every language is consisting of basic elements and grammatical rules. The C language programming is designed for function with variables, character set, data types, keywords, expression and so on are used for writing a C program.

The extension in C language is known as embedded C programming language. As compared to above the embedded programming in C is also have some additional features like data types, keywords and header file etc is represented by

#include<microcontroller name.h>  

Basic Embedded C Programming Steps
Let's see the block diagram representation of Embedded C Programming Steps:

Learn Embedded C using  C-Programming Language here just Download this file

  1. Embedded ‘C’ Language basics - Variables and Identifiers, Built-in Data Types,
  2. Arithmetic operators and Expressions, Constants and Literals, assignment.
  3. Conditional Statements and Loops - Decision making using Relational Operators,
  4. Logical Connectives - conditions, if-else statement, Loops: while loop, do while, for loop, Nested loops, Infinite loops, Switch statement. 
  5. Arrays – Declaring and manipulating single dimension arrays
  6. Functions - Standard Library of C functions in Arduino IDE, Prototype of a function:
  7. Formal parameter list, Return Type, Function call.
  8. Interfacing sensors – The working of digital versus analog pins in Arduino platform, interfacing LED, Button, Sensors-DHT, LDR, MQ135, IR. Display the data on Liquid Crystal Display(LCD), interfacing keypad
  9. Serial communication – interfacing HC-05(Bluetooth module)
  10. Control/handle 220V AC supplyinterfacing relay module

Interfacing Sensors

The concept of interfacing sensors is giving input from sensors to microcontroller or input systems in a way which they can understand and act accordingly. Most of the sensors give output in analog form but the microcontroller or microprocessor needs input as digital so now comparators act as interfacing sensors where they convert analog signals to digital signals.

What is a sensor interface?

A sensor interface is a bridge between a device and any attached sensor. The interface takes data collected by the sensor and outputs it to the attached device, for example, a water level sensor passing data to a radio transmitter.

Different interface options vary in complexity. An analogue interface might use current regulation to carry data, whereas SDI-12 relies on microprocessors to streamline information. 

Sensor Types 

• Temperature 
• Humidity 
• Light 
• Acceleration 
• Force 
• Frequency 
• Flow 
• Pressure 
• Torque 
• Proximity 
• Displacement 

Temperature Sensors 

• RTD 
• Thermistor 
• Thermocouple 
• Semiconductor Temperature Sensors

A. Arduino UNO
The UNO is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P with a Flash memory of 32Kb and an Atmega16U2 
which has been programmed as a USB-to-serialconverter. It has 14 digital input/output pins, 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz 
quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button [10]. 
 Arduino UNO DHT11 Sensor MQ135 Sensor
B. DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor

Digital temperature and humidity sensor (DHT11) is a composite sensor that gives a calibrated digital signal output of the temperature and humidity. It houses the dedicated digital modules collection technology and the temperature and humidity sensing technology, to ensure that the product has high reliability and excellent long-term stability [15].

C. MQ135 Semiconductor Sensor

MQ135 is a stable, low cost electrochemical gas sensor suitable for detecting a wide range of VOCs and gases. It is extremely sensitive to Ammonia, Sulphide and Benzene, also sensitive to smoke and other harmful gases. The MQ series of gas sensors use a small heater inside with an electro-chemical sensor and are usually used indoors at room temperature. Their calibration preferably requires a known concentration of the measured gas. Absence of any electronic 

components allow usage of both AC and DC voltages 

D. Limitations of the MQ135 Sensor

The MQ135 gas sensor detects a number of gases like ammonia, CO2, SO2 etc. collectively but is unable to identify the individual gas concentration in a polluted environment. The sensor also uses an inbuilt heater to warm up air near thesensitive part for oxidation or reduction to take place [10]. It has been advised not to use this with a small battery source as it will quickly drain your battery. Sensor requires 24-48 hours of warm up time to start emitting stable readings of gas concentration. 

A serial interface is all that is required to control the HC-05 Bluetooth module and send data through it. It acts, essentially, like a data pipeline: serial data that goes into the module (from the RXD pin), is passed out the Bluetooth connection.

For  more Details on HC-05 click here

LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display. It is a flat panel display technology, mainly used in TVs and computer monitors, nowadays it is used for mobile phones also.  In LCD, each pixel consists of a layer of molecules aligned between two transparent electrodes and two polarizing filters, the axes of transmission perpendicular to each other. The LCD is finding widespread use by replacing the LEDs 

In general. LCDs use much less power than their CRT counterparts. The size of LCDs is all small. In LCDs, there is no bulky picture tube. These factors make the LCDs practical where size and weight are essential.

The most common LCD controller is HITACHI 44780 which provides a simple interface between the microprocessor or microcontroller and an LCD. The commonly used alphanumeric displays are 1-16 (single line & 16 characters), 2 * 16 (double line & 16 characters per line) and 4-20 (four lines & 20 characters per line).

LCD Pin Description:

The LCD requires 3 control lines (RS, R/W, and EN) and 8(or 4) data lines. The number of data lines depends on the mode of operation. If operated in 8-bit mode then 8-bit data lines are required. And if the operation is in 4-bit mode then 4-bit data lines are required. The 8-bit mode is faster than the 4-bit mode. In 8-bit mode, LCD uses a total of 14 pins including 8 data lines, 3 control lines, and 3 power supply lines (Vee Vss and Vee)

1. Power Supply: The LCD discussed here uses three power supply pins (Vcc, Vss, and Vee ) Vcc and Vss pins are used to provide +5V and ground respectively. The pin Vee is used for controlling LCD contrast.

2. Control Lines: There are three control lines in the LCD. These three are used to control the LCD operations There are two very important registers inside the LCD: the command register and the data register. The RS (Register select) pin is used to select the register out of these two. If RS = 0 the command register is selected and the user is allowed to send the command to the LCD. If RS = 1, the data register is selected and the data sent by the user is displayed on the LCD.

R / W  (Read/ Write ) pin allows the user to read/write the information (data or code) to/ from the LCD. R /W = 1 when reading and R/W=0 when the writing operation is performed.

Another control pin EN (Enable) is used to latch the data present on the data pins. A high-low signal is required to latch the data. The LCD interprets and executes the commands at the instant the EN line is brought low.

3. Data lines: The 8-bits data pins. D(0)-D(7) are used to send the information to the LCD or read the contents of the LCD’s internal register.

 Pin Description for LCD:

LCD Interfacing:

The LCD can be interfaced to the microprocessor 8085 using the programmable peripheral interface (PPI-8255) IC. To display letters and numbers. ASCII code for the letters A to Z, a to 7, and numbers 0 to 9 is sent to the data lines (D0 -D7). These codes may be sent to LCD data lines through one port of 8255 (PPI), port A is used as the output port and send the data to the LCD. The EN pin and RS pin are connected to port B of the 8255. Since it is used as a normal display R/W is made low by connecting to the ground directly. 

LED Blinking using 8051 Microcontroller

LED is a semiconductor device used in many electronic devices, mostly used for indication purposes. It is used widely as indicator during test for checking the validity of results at different stages.

It is very cheap and easily available in variety of shape, color and size. The LEDs are also used in designing of message display boards and traffic control signal lights etc.

Consider the Proteus Software based simulation of LED blinking using 8051 Microcontroller is shown below:-

Let's see the Embedded C Program for generating the LED output sequence as shown below:


And so on up to 10000000.  

void main()  
unsigned int k;  
unsigned char l,b;  

Consider the Embedded C Program for generating the LED output sequence as shown below is:-


And so on up to 11111111.  

void main()  
unsigned int i;  
unsigned char j,b;  

Sample Question Paper: Internet of Things and its Application (M4-R5.1)

Ch-5 based PPT - Cyber Security


(Answer all the questions; each question carries ONE mark)

Answer the following multiple choice questions (1 to 100) =100

Note: For each question, four options are given, Choose the most appropriate option.

1. The term IoT was coined in year

(a) 1998

(b) 1999

(c) 2010

(d) 2005

2. The size of MAC address is ___________ bits

(a) 16

(b) 32

(c) 48

(d) 56

3. In context to advantages of IoT, which of the following is incorrect

(a) Reduce waste

(b) security

(c) enhanced data collection

(d) improve customer satisfaction

4. The total resistance of three resistors connected in parallel will be _____ as compared

to the individual value of resistor

(a) less

(b) high

(c) same

(d) Depends on the temperature

5. Capacitor block AC and allows DC to pass through.

(a) true

(b) false

(c) not ascertain

(d) it purely depends on the value of capacitor

6. Microcontroller used in Arduino UNO prototyping board is

(a) ATmega328m

(b) ATmega328p

(c) ATmega2560

(d) ATmega356p


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7. The size of bits in IPv4 addressing is

(a) 16

(b) 32

(c) 48

(d) 56

8. The pre-built circuit boards that fits on the top of Arduino or any other development

board are known as

(a) Vero board

(b) FRC connectors

(c) shields

(d) breadboard

9. Which layer in the TCP/IP stack is equivalent to the Transport layer of the OSI model

(a) application

(b) transport

(c) Internet

(d) Network Access

10. Each IP packet contains

(a) Source and destination IP address

(b) Source IP address only

(c) destination IP address only

(d) either of Source or destination IP address

11. Which language is best suited for IoT analytics

(a) PHP

(b) Java

(c) Python

(d) Scala

12. At which layer of OSI model, router works

(a) Transport layer

(b) Session layer

(c) Datalink layer

(d) Network layer

13. Which of the following is not a main element of IoT

a) People

b) Process

c) Security

d) Things

14. To easily interface add-on modules with Arduino, we can use

a) General PCB


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b) Connectivity circuit boards

c) Arduino shields

d) Other high-end Arduino boards

15. Which symbol is used in Arduino to calculate Modulo

(a) #

(b) $

(c) %

(d) !

16. With respect to the body language, the handshake conveys the confidence is

(a) Firm

(b) Limp

(c) Loose

(d) Incomplete knowledge

17. Botnet is often used to launch ___________ attack

(a) DoS

(b) DDoS

(c) Brute force

(d) Passive

18. The IIoT stands for

(a) Indepth Internet of T

(b) Innovative Internet of Things

(c) Industrial Internet of Things

(d) Information Internet of Things

19. The default method(s) in Arduino program is/are

(a) onlyloop()

(b) only setup()

(c) setup() and loop()

(d) can be either loop() or setup()

20. Which of the following communication medium supports highest data rate?

(a) Optical fiber

(b) Wifi

(c) Ethernet

(d) Bluetooth

21. Which layer in the TCP/IP stack is equivalent to the Datalink layer of the OSI model

(a) Application

(b) host-to-host

(c) Internet

(d) Network Access


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22. Which of the following is not a standard protocol used in IoT domain?

(a) Wifi

(b) Z-wave

(c) Zigbee

(d) LoMe

23. Which of the following is known as lightweight protocol?

(a) MQTT

(b) TCP

(c) IP

(d) HTTP

24. MQTT protocol is based upon

(a) Client server architecture

(b) Publish subscribe architecture

(c) Both of these

(d) None of these

25. The size IPv6 addressing is

(a) 48 bits

(b) 96 bits

(c) 128 bits

(d) 256 bits

26. Statement required in Arduino program to generate one second delay is

(a) delay(100);

(b) delay(1000);

(c) delay(10000);

(d) delay(1);

27. The size IPv6 addressing is

(a) 48 bits

(b) 96 bits

(c) 128 bits

(d) 256 bits

28. IIoT targets applications related to

(a) Health and fitness.

(b) Entertainment

(c) Both of these

(d) None of these

29. The count of PWM pins in Arduino UNO is

(a) 2

(b) 3

(c) 5


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(d) 6

30. The analogRead method in Arduino UNO returns value range

(a) 0-255

(b) 0-511

(c) 0-1023

(d) 0-4095

31. Open source operating system is

(a) Arduino

(b) Windows

(c) Linux

(d) Mac

32. Single line comment in C Language starts with

(a) #

(b) //

(c) !—

(d) /*

33. Which of the following Function is called only once in Arduino program?

(a) loop()

(b) setup()

(c) selay()

(d) digitalWrite()

34. In business communication, grapevine is an example of

(a) Formal communication

(b) Informal communication

(c) Group task

(d) Business talk

35. The founder of Arduino project is ____________

(a) Kevin asthon

(b) Massimo Banzi

(c) Jim hungton

(d) Massimo berry

36. _________ board of Arduino family can be used to sewn into clothing

(a) Arduino nano

(b) Lilypad

(c) Arduino uno

(d) Arduino mega

37. Which of the following option is not available in Arduino IDE software?

(a) Compile


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(b) Verify

(c) Terminate

(d) Serial monitor

38. Time management is primarily creating an environment

(a) Appropriate for communication

(b) conducive to effectiveness.

(c) Best for business talk

(d) None of these

39. Program written in Arduino IDE is known as

(a) Code

(b) Source code

(c) Sketch

(d) Paint

40. The basic program in Arduino IDE contains

(a) setup () and loop () function

(b) only setup () function

(c) only loop () function

(d) none of these

41. Which of the transmission media contains central conductor and shield?

(a) coaxial cable

(b) twisted pair cable

(c) fiber-optic cable

(d) none of these

42. Radio waves are

(a) Omnidirectional

(b) Unidirectional

(c) Bidirectional

(d) None of these

43. Which of the transmission media uses light as medium of data transfer

(a) coaxial cable

(b) twisted pair cable

(c) fiber-optic cable

(d) none of these

44. Which type of the signal is used for satellite or wireless LAN communication

(a) Radio wave

(b) Microwave

(c) Infrared

(d) None of these


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45. Which of the transmission media highest data transmission rate?

(a) coaxial cable

(b) twisted pair cable

(c) fiber-optic cable

(d) none of these

46. The basic categorization of transmission media is

(a) Guided and unguided

(b) Determinate and indeterminate

(c) Fixed and unfixed

(d) None of these

47. Which of the following is/are correct in context to twisted pair cable?

(a) More the twist better is the data carrying capability

(b) Less twist more data rate

(c) Data-rate does not depend on twist in the cable

(d) None of these

48. The method of communication in which data transmission takes place in either

directions, but one at a time

(a) Full duplex

(b) Half duplex

(c) Simplex

(d) None of these

49. In communication satellite multiple repeaters are generally known as

(a) Modulators

(b) Earth Stations

(c) Transponders

(d) None of these

50. Which of the following device perform modulation and demodulation?

(a) Switch

(b) modulator

(c) Modem

(d) None of these


51. In an IoT ecosystem, devices with unique identities having monitoring, and remote

sensing capabilities are known as

(a) Things

(b) Motes

(c) Monitoring devices

(d) Edge monitors

52. A typical IoT system design which refers to the individual node devices and their

protocols that are utilized to create a functional IoT ecosystem, is termed as


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(a) Logical design

(b) physical design

(c) both of these

(d) none of these

53. The different type of communication models available in an IoT ecosystem typically

fall in following category/categories

(a) Request-response model

(b) Push-pull model

(c) Publish-subscribe model

(d) All of these

54. __________ is a IoT system design which depicts how actually the components

should be arranged to complete a particular function

(a) Logical design

(b) physical design

(c) both of these

(d) none of these

55. IEEE 802.16 protocol stack is commonly referred as

(a) LoRa

(b) Bluetooth

(c) WiMax

(d) none of these

56. IoT application layer protocol include

(a) MQTT

(b) HTTP

(c) Only MQTT

(d) Both MQTT and HTTP

57. Bits at physical layer are converted to frames at ________ layer of OSI model

(a) Application layer

(b) Network layer

(c) Data link layer

(d) Transport layer

58. ___________ type of fiber cable suffers from high signal dispersion.

(a) Single mode

(b) Multimode

(c) None of these

(d) Both of these

59. The main function of transport layer in ISO-OSI model is

(a) Node to node delivery

(b) Process-to-process delivery


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(c) Synchronization

(d) None of these

60. A typical microcontroller contains

(a) Timers

(b) Memory

(c) I/O ports

(d) All of these

61. The advantages of microcontroller in an electronic device include

(a) Saving cost

(b) Making circuit compact

(c) Save power consumption

(d) All of these

62. Sensors which produce continuous signals that are proportional to the sensed

parameter are

(a) Analog sensor

(b) Digital sensor

(c) Light sensor

(d) Dust sensor

63. Device used to convert light energy into electrical energy is

(a) Turbine

(b) Windmill

(c) Solar cell

(d) None of these

64. Protocols used for I/O (input/output) sensor interfacing is/are

(a) SPI

(b) I2C

(c) UART

(d) All of these

65. IEEE protocol commonly referred as WiFi is

(a) 802.15

(b) 802.3

(c) 802.11

(d) 802.16

66. Collection of standards for Low-rate wireless personal area network i.e. -LR-WPAN

(a) 802.15

(b) 802.3

(c) 802.11

(d) 802.16


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67. Latest version of the Internet Protocol (IPv6) and Low-power Wireless Personal Area

Networks is acronym as

(a) 6LoWPAN

(b) LoRa

(c) LoRaWAN

(d) None of these

68. The process flow of four stage IoT solution Architecture includes

(a) Sensor/actuators, data acquisition, edge IT, data center/cloud

(b) data acquisition, Sensor/actuators, edge IT, data center/cloud

(c) Sensor/actuators, data acquisition, data center/cloud, edge IT

(d) Sensor/actuators, edge IT, data acquisition, data center/cloud

69. HC-05 bluetooth module can be used in programming to work as

(a) Slave only

(b) Master only

(c) Master and slave

(d) None of these

70. ______________ is the rate at which the number of signal elements or changes to the

signal occurs per second when it passes through communication channel

(a) Data rate

(b) Bits rate

(c) Baud rate

(d) None of these

71. The total Bits transmitted in one-unit time is referred as

(a) Data rate

(b) Bits rate

(c) Baud rate

(d) None of these

72. ____________ pins in Arduino reads data from analog sensor and convert value into

digital value

(a) Analog

(b) Digital

(c) Power

(d) None of these

73. AnalogWrite method can be used for

(a) PWM pins

(b) Hybrid pins

(c) Digital pins

(d) None of these

74. In ATmega328p, the letter p stands for

(a) Picopower


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(b) Preprocessing

(c) Precise

(d) Popular

75. Inductance is measured in

(a) Ohm

(b) Farad

(c) Henry

(d) Coulomb

76. In Arduino programming, ____________ function is used to configure the pins as

input or output

(a) pinMode()

(b) digitalWrite()

(c) analogWrite()

(d) setPin()

77. SI unit of Resistance is

(a) Ohm

(b) Farad

(c) Henry

(d) Coulomb

78. In Arduino programming, ____________ function is used to make digital pin HIGH

(a) pinMode()

(b) digitalWrite()

(c) analogWrite()

(d) setPin()

79. In Arduino programming, digital pins have ___________possible values

(a) Only one

(b) Two

(c) Three

(d) Any number of values

80. Capacitance is measured in

(a) Ohm

(b) Farad

(c) Henry

(d) Coulomb

81. The property of any conductor that opposes the flow of electric current through it is

known as

(a) Capacitance

(b) Resistance

(c) Inductance


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(d) None of these

82. ___________ is the assurance that the information is trustworthy and accurate

(a) Confidentiality

(b) Integrity

(c) Availability

(d) None of these

83. ___________is an indispensable tool for testing, diagnosing, and troubleshooting

electrical circuits, components, and devices.

(a) Soldering iron

(b) digital multimeter

(c) voltmeter

(d) ammeter

84. A set of rules that limits access to information is known as

(a) Confidentiality

(b) Integrity

(c) None of these

(d) Both of these

85. __________ is the guarantee of reliable and constant access to your sensitive data by

authorized data

(a) Confidentiality

(b) Integrity

(c) Availability

(d) None of these

86. ________ is flooding the Internet with many copies of same message (typically


(a) Spam

(b) Injection

(c) Spoofing

(d) DoS attack

87. ______________is a type of social engineering where an attacker sends a fraudulent

message designed to trick a person into revealing sensitive information

(a) Phishing

(b) Surfing

(c) DDoS

(d) Revealing

88. In C programming language, preprocessors are specified with _____________symbol

(a) #

(b) $

(c) ^


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(d) &

89. In C programming language, the output of following statement is


1 < 2 ? return 1: return 2;


(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) Depends on compiler

(d) Compile time error

90. Which of the following is not logical operator in C language?

(a) &&

(b) ||

(c) !

(d) |

91. In C language, the bitwise complement operator is

(a) !

(b) |

(c) ~

(d) &

92. ______________is a program which enters computer system by secretly attaching

itself with valid computer program and later steals information.

(a) Phishing

(b) Surfing

(c) Trojan horse

(d) Wamp

93. _____________ is used for serial communication with devices connected with


(a) I2C

(b) SPI

(c) UART

(d) None of these

94. ______ is the act of secretly listening to the private conversation or communications

of others without their consent in order to gather information.

(a) Phishing

(b) Surfing

(c) Trojan horse

(d) Eavesdropping

95. _____________ malware is designed to launch botnet attack, primarily targeting

online consumer devices such as IP cameras and home routers

(a) Darkmotel

(b) Mirai


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(c) Petye

(d) whitehorse

96. The process of reading is commonly known as

(a) Encoding

(b) Decoding

(c) Codification

(d) None of these

97. _________ is the document used to communicate within the organization

(a) Letter

(b) Email

(c) Memo

(d) Fax

98. The document used as evidence in legal cases is

(a) Letter

(b) Memo

(c) Notice

(d) Minutes of meeting

99. While conversation, the most helpful feature for listeners to understand meaning


(a) Tone

(b) Pitch

(c) Both of these

(d) None of these

100. Which of the following is not a valid resume format?

(a) Portfolio

(b) Chronological

(c) Functional

(d) combination

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